Tuesday, June 4, 2024

TOEIC Preparation: Week 15 - Final Diagnostic

    TOEIC Preparation: Week 15 - Final Diagnostic

Task 1End of Course Reflection
Take a few minutes to reflect on your expereinces in the course with your partners. 
  • Highlights: Think back about our classes and asynchronous assignments this term. What are some aspects of the course that you found enjoyable or useful? Why?
  • Goals: What were your goals when you signed up for this course? In what ways have your made progress toward acheiving your goals?
  • Challenges: What aspects of the TOEIC exam do you still find challenging? What is particularly difficult about these aspects?
  • Plans: What are two specific actions you can take in order to continue preparing for success in the TOEIC now that the course is over?
  • Feedback: Imagine your could make changes to the structure of the course, its focus, or any of the tasks in order to make the best experience for future students. What would you change and why? What would you keep the same and why?

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

TOEIC Preparation: Week 14 - Speaking Review

  TOEIC Preparation: Week 14 - Speaking Review

Warm UpTeacher Puzzle
Work with your partners to complete the Teacher Sudoku puzzle. The idea of the puzzle is to put pictures in all the squares so that each row, column, and 2x3 rectangle contains ONE and ONLY ONE example of each picture. Can you solve it in time? Click the link below and find the page for your group.

Teacher SudokuCLICK HERE

Task 1Read a Text Practice
Underline the content words. Pay attention to compound words and phrasal verbs and underline the stressed portion. Circle punctuation and mark intonnation patterns in lists of three or more. When you finish CLICK HERE to check your answer. Then read the text aloud to your partner. Remember to use a physical gesture to remind you to stress the conent words. 

Click to see full size.

Task 2Describe a Photo
Click the three dots to put the presentation in full screen. Search the presentation to find a photo you like. Take 45 seconds to prepare. Then click the video timer and take 30 seconds  to describe the photo.

Not Visible?CLICK HERE

Task 3Answer Quick Questions
Click the three dots and put the presentation in full screen. Practice answering a set of 3 questions. Use the video timers to help you keep track of your time. Go to the next page and let your partner try.

Not Visible?CLICK HERE

Task 4Graphic Question Warm Up
Take a minute to study the graphic with your partner. It is also located in your anthology on page 45. Then ask your partner questions from the list. The idea is to see how many questions your partner can answer in 1 minute. When you finish, move on to the video practice exercises.

Click to view full image.

  • Do you know what Mr. Biggs is planning to discuss following the break?
  • Could you give me information about the activites in the morning?
  • Can you tell me the length of the sessions?
  • I am interested in learning from women leaders in the field of graphic design. Will there be any presenters by female speakers?
  • Where and when will this event be held?
  • Will there be a chance to ask questions or discuss topics with the speakers?
  • I'm really interested in learning about 3D graphics. Will that topic be addressed in the conference?
  • I am going to be a little late for this conference. What will I miss if I arrive at 10:20?
  • I'm interested in attending the conference but I can't pay right now. What is the last day I can register for the event?

Task 5Video Practice
Click the three dots and put the presentation in full screen. Practice answering a set of 3 questions. Use the video timers to help you keep track of your time. Go to the next page and let your partner try.

Not Visible?CLICK HERE

Task 6Video Practice
Time to put into practice the opinion sandwich one last time. 
  • Begin your response by stating your opinion.
  • Give 2-3 reasons with their corresponding details and explanations
  • Finish by restating your opinion
Click the three dots and put the presentation in fullscreen. Make sure you are sharing your computer sound. 

Not Visible?CLICK HERE

Monday, May 20, 2024

TOEIC Preparation: Week 13 - Part 4 - Talks

  TOEIC Preparation: Week 13 - Part 4 - Talks

Warm Up: How much is just right?
Tell your partners about the perfect amount of the following items.
  • "For me the perfect amount of ... is ... because ..."

Task 1Listening for Sign Posts
Signposts are phrases that serve the function of guiding the listener's attention during a talk. They help the speaker give a more effective message by indicating what he or she is going to say next. By learning to recognize common signposts, you will improve your listening comprehension abilities for extended texts. Click on your group link below and complete the tasks.

Task 2Practice with Graphic Questions
Two or three of the questions in Part 4 will ask you to intepret information from a graphic. Take the mini-test with your group. Click the link below and share your screen and computer sound.

Task 3Focused Practice - Common Talk Types
Click the link below to complete a group quiz focused on the following common talk types: Business Announcements, Special Announcements, Advertisements, and News Reports.
  • Group QuizCLICK HERE
  • TranscriptCLICK HERE to view the transcripts for the talks to check your answers.

Task 4Auditory Memory Practice
In this task you will read a text to your partner and he or she will answer some comprehension questions. Listen carefully to see how many details you can identify and retain in your short-term memory. If you don't remember the answer to some of the questions, you can ask your partner to read it again.  

Monday, May 13, 2024

TOEIC Preparation: Week 12 - Part 4 - Talks

 TOEIC Preparation: Week 12 - Part 4 - Talks

Warm Up: The Ulitmate Alphabet Game
Click the group worksheet link below. You will work with your partners to examine the images and find as many words as you can that begin with a particular letter. Use the time you have to write all the words you can find in the pictures to complete your two lists. You will get one point for each UNIQUE word on your list. If a word is repeated on the lists of multiple groups, it does not count.

Picture 1: Find Words that Begin with the Letter P!

Click to see full size image

Picture 2: Find Words that Begin with the Letter S!

Click to see full size image

Task 1Common Talk Types
Part 4 will contain different kinds of talks given by a single speaker complete the following exercises with your partners to become familiar with some of the most common types of talks. If you do not have access to your anthology, CLICK HERE
  • Anthology pg 18: Match they type with a description and sample phrases.
  • Anthology pg 19: Quickly skim the transcripts of the four talks and identify what kind it is. Underline key words and phrases from the transcript that let you know.

Task 2Group Mini-Test
Take this mini test to preview common talk and question types for Part 4. 

Task 3Practice with Paraphrasing
In this task you will work with your partners to practice paraphrasing. You teacher put you  in a group. Click on your corresponding link below and complete Task 1. DO NOT click on the Task 2 tab until your teacher tells you to.

Task 4Focused Practice
Let's work in groups to practice two of the more challenging question types in Part 4: Questions about speaker intent and questions about graphics.

Task 5Auditory Memory Practice
In this task you will read a text to your partner and he or she will answer some comprehension questions. Listen carefully to see how many details you can identify and retain in your short-term memory. If you don't remember the answer to some of the questions, you can ask your partner to read it again.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

TOEIC Preparation: Week 11 - Part 7 - Reading Comprehension

  TOEIC Preparation: Week 11 - Part 7 - Reading Comprehension


Warm Up: Would You Rather...
Flip the card, make a decision, and compare your choice with your partners.

Task 1A Quick Glance
Click the worksheet link below and go to your group's section. Then complete the chart with the required information based on a quick glance at the series of texts below. Remember you can click the images to see a larger version.

Text 1

Text 2

Text 3

Text 4

Text 5

Text 6

Text 7

Text 8

Text 9

Text 10

Task 2Triple Passage Practice
Click your group link below and complete the triple passage practice.

Task 3Focused Practice - Insert a Sentence Questions
One of the challenging question types in the single passage texts in Part 7 requires you to insert a sentence into the most logical place in the text. Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

TOEIC Speaking Practice: Questions 8-10

Instructions: Share your screen and computer sound and watch the videos below. In each case you will have 30 seconds to prepare before you hear the questions. 



More Timed Video Practice

In the Google Slides presentations below you will find videos containing eight exercises (some of which you have previously seen). The videos also contain audio and timers so that you can practice giving your responses under real test conditions. Use the arrows in the bottom left corner to move between the slides. Sometimes you have to click the arrow several times for it to change slides.

Monday, April 29, 2024

TOEIC Preparation: Week 10 - Part 7 - Reading Comprehension

    TOEIC Preparation: Week 10 - Part 7 - Reading Comprehension

Warm Up: Making Predictions
Spin the wheel and look at the option. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to do this in the next 48 hours? Why?

Task 2: Meaning from Context
Work with partners to read the text and sentences. Use context clues to guess the meanings of the words in bold. They are nonsense words that take the place of real words in English. Click your group link below to get started. 

Task 2Vocabulary Questions
Work with your partners to complete the task below. In each reading you will find one or more vocabulary words. Read the words in the context of the sentence and make a guess about what they mean. How could you state these terms in other words?
  • Text 1: Restate the highlighted term in your own words.

Click to see full size image

  • Text 2: Restate the highlighted terms in your own words.

Click to see full size image

  • Text 3: Restate the highlighted terms in your own words.

Click to see full size image

Now CLICK HERE to see your answer choices for each of the items above. Work with your partners to decide which option has the closest meaning to the highlighted words.

Task 3Focused Practice
One of the challenges of Part 7 are the multi-passage texts where you need to read two or three related texts and answer questions about them. In this group mini-test you will work with your partners to complete two double passage sets and one triple passage sets.

Task 4Focused Practice - Text Message Chains
One of the text types that you will find on the TOEIC reading exam involves text messaging chains or chat messages between colleagues or friends. In some questions you will have to decide what the writer is trying to say. Click your group link below and then continue to the Chat Quizes.