Wednesday, January 31, 2018

(Group C) Apartment Hunters Materials - In-Service I, 2018

Below you will find images and descriptions of the materials that students will use for this problem solving activity. 

1) Students read the instructions card below to provide context for the activity.

2) Students review the map printed on the back of the instructions card.

3) Students analyze the Property Cards below that describe several apartment/house rental options in the five districts of the city.

4) Students read the four client Profile Cards below and decide on the two best property options for each one person. Students write pros and cons of each option to help the clients make a decision.

(Group D) - Vacation Planners Materials - In-Service I, 2018

Below you will find images and descriptions of the materials that students will use for this problem solving activity. 

1) Students read the instructions card below to better understand the context of the activity.

2) Students review the map and travel options on the backside of the Instructions Card.

3) Students plan the itinerary of their trip by selecting the order they will travel to each location and the means of public transportation they will use. They must also consider their total transportation budget which is $300 per person.

4) The teacher will post the following Activity Cards on walls in the hall or classroom. Students must decide which activities they would like to do in each location. 

5) Students write the activities they plan to do in each location  on the Activity Planner below keeping in mind their total activity budget ($2,000) per person for the entire trip and their daily time budget (15 hours per day).