Friday, August 7, 2020

Catching Up With an Old Friend

 Catching Up With an Old Friend

Introduction: In today's class we are discussing the topic of friendship in order to practice the present perfect and present perfect continuous. Work with your partners to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: Group Discussion - Discuss the questions below with your partners. You have exactly 5 minutes to discuss these questions so press play on the video to start your timer. This will help you stay organized and allow everyone in the group to share their ideas. 

  • Who is your best friend?
  • How long have you know them?
  • How did you meet?
  • Who is your oldest friend?
  • Have you ever lost contact with a friend and then reconnected with them?
  • Do you ever use social media to see what your distant friends have been doing with their lives?

Task 2: Reading - Imagine two old friends just made contact again via a social networking site. Read their first messages and answer the questions below.

  • Who are they?
  • When were they friends?
  • What do you learn about their lives now?

Click to see full size image

Task 3Listening - Sophie and Mike finally meet and catch up. Click play on the video to listen to the first part of their conversation. Are the statements about Mike true or false? Correct the false ones.

1) Mike thinks Sophie looks older.
2) He's been working in Mexico City for eight months.
3) The headquarters of his company is in Hong Kong. 
4) His Mexican girlfriend speaks no English.
5) He's been learning Spanish for six months. 
6) Now he's going to learn Swedish. 

Now read the second part of the conversation. Read what Sophie says and answer the questions below.

Click here to see full size image

1) Who did she marry?
2) What and where was her first job?
3) Where does she work now?
4) What have the been trying to do?
5) Why do they need a place of their own?

In the image above you could only see Sophie's text but you could not see Mike's questions. Click your group link below and write the questions that you think Mike asked her.


Task 4: Speaking Practice - Pretend that you and your partners are friends from high school that are reconnecting after many years. Each student should choose a role, A, B, or C and read their information card that contains details about their lives since high school. Improvise a conversation to ask and answer questions about your lives.You can use the following phrases to help you:
  • What have you been doing?
  • How long did you...?
  • When did you start...?
  • How long have you...?
  • Oh, really...!
  • You're kidding!

Student A

Student B

Student C

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