Friday, August 28, 2020

Talking About Gestures

 Talking About Gestures

Instructions: Work with your partner to think of the most typical way someone in your culture would express the following ideas in a non-verbal way. Is there more than one way to do it?
  • This place is crowded. There are too many people.
  • It's none of your business. Don't be nosey!
  • It's very expensive or when someone has a lot of money.
  • Let's go. I'm leaving.
  • Oh my go! (awkward situation)
  • Point to something without using your hands.
  • Say "no" without using your head.
  • Get someone's attention in a noisy place.
  • Represent the number 20 using your hands.
  • Come here!
  • When someone is very stingy.
  • Working hard!
  • Let's eat.
  • When you want to insult someone.

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