Saturday, August 1, 2020

TOEIC Speaking: Questions 8-10

TOEIC Speaking: Questions 8-10

Introduction: In this part of the speaking test you will see a document in the form of a written agenda or schedule and a caller will ask you 3 questions that require you to provide specific information from the document. You will have 45 seconds to read the document before you hear the questions. You will have 15 seconds to respond to questions 8 and 9. Question 10 will ask you to summarize some of the information and you will have 30 seconds to respond to this one.

Learning Objectives: The designers of the TOEIC Speaking test have the following learning objectives for this section of the exam. 

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Strategies: You will need to provide socially appropriate and factually accurate responses to the caller’s questions. The following strategies could help you.

1) Skim the document to understand its structure and identify where key information can be found. This will save you valuable seconds when responding to the questions.
  • Look for arrival and departure dates, start and finish times of meetings, names of people or companies.
  • Look for exceptions marked with asterisks or signaled in some other way as this information might be relevant for one of the responses to the questions.

2) When answering a question, use filler language to buy time while scanning for the specific information you need.
  • I'd be happy to find that information for you...
  • Let me just check the agenda here...
  • Let's see...according to the information I have...

3) Be diplomatic when giving bad news. Use phrases to soften your answer when giving negative responses.
  • Unfortunately, Mr. Smith will not be attending the conference due to a schedule conflict.
  • I’m sorry to say that it looks like the scheduled dinner meeting has been canceled.
  • I´m afraid that won´t be possible because...

Let's Practice: In this exercise you will need to choose two roles, Student A and Student  B then go to your section below and follow the instructions. 

Student A

Instructions: Student A is the "tester" for the first two texts and Student B is the "test taker". Student B should take 1 minute to skim the text to get an idea about its content and structure. When the time is up, Student A will ask the questions. Since this is our first practice, Student B can take all the time they need to answer the questions. However, Student B cannot see these questions.

Round 1
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Student A: You say, "Hello, this is Carlos Gonzalez. I am planning to attend the International Trade Conference but I've lost the original invitation, so I need some information.
  • 1) When is the conference exactly?
  • 2) I don't know what the exhibits are or where they are. Can you help me?
  • 3) Other than talks from the main speakers, what else is going on?

Round 2
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Student A: You say, "Hello. This is Roger Wallis from United Press. Is that Mr. Hillsborough's office? I was hoping to get some information about Mr. Hillsborough's schedule for the Crystal Dreams Promotional Tour.
  • What time will the Question and Answer session at the Sanchez start and how long will it last?
  • I heard that the movie itself doesn't start until 7:30 pm. Would it be possible to do a private interview with Mr. Hillsborough at 6:30?
  • What are Mr. Hillsborough's plans for after the movie?

Instructions: Now it is time for Student A to be the "test taker" and Student B to be the "tester". Student A should take one minute to skim the text then Student B will ask the questions. 

Round 3
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Round 4
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Instructions: For Rounds 5 and 6 Student A is the "tester" Student B is the "test taker". In rounds 7 and 8, you will switch roles. The test taker should take 1 minute to skim the text to get an idea about its content and structure. When the time is up, the tester will ask the questions and take the time (15 seconds, 15 seconds, and 30 seconds). The test taker should try to answer in the time limit. After answering all the questions, The tester can ask the questions again and give the test taker chance to respond again and improve their performance.

Round 5
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Student A: Read this - "Good afternoon, this is Bob Fisher, Secretary of the National Dental Association. I'm calling about the Annual Dinner. I wonder if you could just confirm some details for me.
  • Question 1:  Can you let me know what time the meal is supposed to be served? (15 seconds.)
  • Question 2: I know that Miss Rhodes was a very popular performer at last year's show. Can you confirm that she will be appearing again this year? (15 seconds)
  • Question 3: Finally, what is the order of events for the evening following the dinner? (30 seconds)

Round 6
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Student A:  Read this - "Good afternoon, this is Jane Goldwin calling. I'd like to speak with someone about my schedule for the trip to Chicago. Do you have a few minutes to answer a couple of questions?
  • Question 1: First of all, is someone going to meet me at the airport? (15 seconds)
  • Question 2: I am looking forward to lunch - I had a really great meal at Bluebird last time I was there. Were you able to make the reservation as I requested? (15 seconds)
  • Question 3: Can you remind me of the details of the meetings for the rest of the afternoon? (30 seconds)

Round 7
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Round 8
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Student B

Instructions: Student A is the "tester" for the first two texts and Student B is the "test taker". Student B should take 1 minute to skim the text to get an idea about its content and structure. When the time is up, Student A will ask the questions. Since this is our first practice, Student B can take all the time they need to answer the questions. However, Student B cannot see these questions.

Round 1
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Round 2
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Instructions: Now it is time for Student A to be the "test taker" and Student B to be the "tester". Student A should take one minute to skim the text then Student B will ask the questions. 

Round 3
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Student B: You say, "Good afternoon. My name is Randall Howard and I am planning to attend the Portland Investment Seminar tomorrow.
  • Do you think you could tell me what time to arrive and where I should go when I get there?
  • I've paid in advance for the seminar. Lunch is included in the price, isn't it?
  • I've heard that Peter Mendel is a great presenter. Will I be able to see him tomorrow?

Round 4
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Student B: You say, "Hello, this is Alice Crandall. I believe you are working on my travel schedule for May 5. I want to make sure about one or two points before you send over the itinerary.
  • What time do I need to be at the airport?
  • Will I be able to work over lunch in order to prepare for the board meeting?
  • What will happen after the board meeting is over?

Instructions: For Rounds 5 and 6 Student A is the "tester" Student B is the "test taker". In rounds 7 and 8, you will switch roles. The test taker should take 1 minute to skim the text to get an idea about its content and structure. When the time is up, the tester will ask the questions and take the time (15 seconds, 15 seconds, and 30 seconds). The test taker should try to answer in the time limit. After answering all the questions, The tester can ask the questions again and give the test taker chance to respond again and improve their performance.

Round 5
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Round 6
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Round 7
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Student B: Read this - "Good morning. I am calling about the Swinsdale Jazz Festival. I'd like to get some tickets but I'm not sure which day to attend."
  • Question 1: First of all, how much is a one-day pass and does it include refreshments? (15 seconds)
  • Question 2: I am a big fan of Mary Albarn and Abel Wizzard - will I be able to watch them both on the same day? (15 seconds)
  • Question 3: Can you tell me the line-up for the Sunday concerts? (30 seconds)

Round 8
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Student B: Read this - "Good morning. This is Don Taylor. I work at Northridge Printing and I need to deliver some samples for the demonstration.
  • Question 1: Can you tell me where the Northfield demonstration is being given? (15 seconds)
  • Question 2: I've got a busy schedule early tomorrow morning. If I bring the samples by 10:30, will that be OK? (15 seconds)
  • Question 3: As long as I'm there, I thought I would look at the other companie's exhibits. What other companies are going to be there? (30 seconds)

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