Thursday, February 1, 2018

(Group A) - Survival Packing Materials - In-Service I, 2018

Below you will find images and descriptions of the materials that students will use for this problem solving activity. 

1) Students read the instructions card below to understand the context of the activity.

2) On the back side of the Instructions Card students have this image of their backpack (Backpack Inventory Card). Students will need to pack their bag by placing survival items into the squares of the pack. The survival items are rectangular cards of different sizes. Students will not be able to fit all survival items into the backpack so they must choose carefully. All chosen survival items must fit neatly within the backpack grid.

3) These are the survival items students can choose from. In the real class activity the items would be printed on colored paper and cut. Students first take a few minutes to review all of the items they can choose from, organizing them into three categories: very useful, potentially useful, and useless. Note the size and weight of each item. Also, note that some items require other items in order to be useful. For example, the hammock requires rope and the rifle requires bullets.

4) Now students place their selected survival items into the backpack grid. They must find a way to fit the items into the limited space while also keeping track of the total weight of the backpack. The maximum weight they can carry is 20 kilograms.

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