Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Sports Debates

Spin the Wheel!

Instructions: You will work in trios to have a series of mini-debates with your partner about which sport is better. In each round, two of you will debate and the third partner will be the judge or moderator. Spin the wheel to receive your sport. Spin the wheel again to get your partner's sport. 

Opening Statements: You have 30 seconds to make your opening statement about why your sport is the best. Then your partner will give his/her opening statement for 30 seconds. During this time, you shouldn't interrupt your partner. 

Open Debate and Questions: Then you will have 2 minutes to debate your topics with your partner. You can ask questions, interrupt (politely), and respond to what your partner is saying. When the time is up, the judge will determine the winner. Then you switch roles and spin the wheel again to start over.

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