Monday, February 3, 2020

The Big 5 Personality Traits

The Big 5 Personality Traits

Introduction: Personality is a very complex subject that psychologists have been studying for years. Probably the most popular model to describe personality is the Big Five model that says that our individual personalities are composed of a combination of five factors. In this activity you will learn about these five dimensions and use them to describe your own personality. 

Instructions: Each of the five factors is a kind of scale. Read the descriptions of the factors and tell your partner what number you are on the scale and give some reasons and examples for your choice. If you are not sure what number to choose, just tell your partner why it is difficult for you to make a decision.

Discussion: Now that you have finished analyzing the Big 5 personality dimensions model, discuss the following questions with your partner. 

  • Describe how you felt as you completed the different sections. Was it easy for you to decide what number to give yourself? Why or why not?
  • Do you know a person that you would give a very high or very low score in one of the 5 dimensions?
  • Do you think it is important for a person to understand their own personality?
  • How could this awareness help them?
  • Do you think it is possible for people with very different personality characteristics to be close friends? What about romantic partners?  
  • Think about the 5 dimensions above. Which one do you think could cause the most problems in a romantic relationship if the two people had very different scores? Why do you say this?

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