Saturday, December 12, 2020

TOEIC Speaking - Question 11: Give an Opinion

 TOEIC Speaking - Question 11

In this section of the test you will be asked to provide your opinion on an issue or question. You will have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak. Below you will find the learning objectives for this question of the test.

Click to see full sized image.


  • Strategy 1: Recognize What the Question is Asking - Question prompts in this section typically fall into the following categories. Pay close attention to what the prompt requires so that you are sure to respond completely and appropriately. 
    • Preference: Would you rather ... or ... ?
    • Agree / Disagree: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 
    • Hypothetical: Imagine you were ... 
    • Direct Opinion: What is your opinion about ... ? 

  • Strategy 2: Organize your ideas: In order to provide a coherent and cohesive response to this task, it is helpful to follow this simple framework to organize your talk.
Click to see full size image.

    • Introduction: Express your opinion in the first one or two sentences so that the listener clearly understands what you think. Do not "sit on the fence" and fail to commit to a clear opinion when asked to choose between two alternatives. As with other sections of this test, you have to provide an appropriate response, not necessarily a TRUE response. If it is easier for you make something up rather than give your real opinion, DO IT!
      • I believe...
      • In my opinion...
      • I agree with the statement that...
      • I would have to disagree with the idea that...
    • Content: It is important to support your opinion with reasons and details. Use transitional phrases to guide the listener.
      • First of all...
      • Second...
      • Another reason...
      • For example...
      • Finally...
    • Conclusion: Finish your talk by restating your opinion in different words.
      • ...and that is why I think it is important to...
      • ...and those are reasons why I agree that...
      • that is why I believe that... 


Day 1: Practice Tasks

Task 1: You have to think fast for this section of the exam. Look at the prompts below. Choose a side. Then quickly say three reasons for your choice. Your partner must choose the other side and quickly give three reasons for his/her choice. You do NOT need to speak for 60 seconds. Just quickly mention your three reasons or details.
  • Would you prefer to work at home or in an office?
  • Do you agree or disagree that dogs make better pets than cats?
  • Is it more relaxing to spend vacation at home or traveling?
  • Some people say that private cars should be banned from the city center. What is your opinion about this?

Task 2: When you answer this part of the test, it's important to state your opinion clearly in the first one or two sentences. Choose one of the four prompts above. State your opinion in your introduction then speak for 60 seconds while you give reasons to support your opinion. Conclude your talk by restating your opinion. Use these phrases to guide you.
  • In my opinion ... for several reaons.
  • First of all, ...
    • For example...
  • Also ...
    • For example ...
  • Finally ...
    • For example ...
  • So those are the reasons why I think ...

Task 2: Try outlining a sample response to the following prompts by drawing a similar chart in your notebook and filling it with keywords and phrases. When you finish, writing your notes, answer the question for 60 seconds.

Click to see full sized image.

  • Imagine your town is planning to build a new shopping mall close to where you live. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why?
  • Some people believe that private cars should be banned from city centers. What do you think?
  • Do you agree with the following statement? "Competition is a fact of life and children should learn to be competitive when they are young." Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  • Some people like to travel with a group. Others would rather travel by themselves. Which do you prefer and why?


Day 2: Practice Tasks

Task 3: Timed Practice
The following videos contain a prompt and timers for your preparation and response time. Take advantage of your preparation time to brainstorm 3 reasons to support your opinion. Use the following phrases to guide your response.

  • In my opinion ... for several reaons.
  • First of all, ...
    • For example...
  • Also ...
    • For example ...
  • Finally ...
    • For example ...
  • So those are the reasons why I think ...


Video 1



Video 2



Video 3



Video 4



Day 3: Practice Tasks

Timed Practice: Look at the question prompts below. For each one, press play on the video on the left and take 45 seconds to prepare and then press play on the speaking timer on the right and speak for 60 seconds. 

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Additional Timed Practice: In the Google Slides presentation below you have 10 additional opinion questions. Each slide has a prompt and a 30 second preparation timer and a 60 second response timer. Put the presentation in full screen. Then use the arrows in the bottom left corner to change slides.




  1. Some people like to work at jobs that are exciting and full of new challenges. Other people prefer jobs where the work is routine and predictable. What kind of job would you prefer and why?
    could you give me a sample answer?

    1. In my opinion a job that's full of new challenges is better than a predictable job for several reasons. First, it is a chance to learn new skills. If the job constantly presents new challenges, it forces you to continue learning and that will help you improve your abilities and you will be more competent than someone who does the same thing everyday. Another reason is that it would be more interesting. I think doing the same thing every day would be boring but if I work somewhere that constantly gives me new things to do, I will stay interested in the job. So those are just a few reasons why I would prefer an exciting job rather than a predictable one.
