Welcome to English II
Introduction: Hello, and welcome to English II. We are going to have a lot of fun and learn many things in this 15 week course. In today's class we will learn about the structure of the course, the evaluations, and meet our partners. We will also discuss life in the the past.
- Guiding Question: How is my life different from my grandparent's generation?
Activity 1: Meet Your Partners
Discuss the questions with your partners. Some are in English, some are in Spanish.
- What is your name?
- Where do you live?
- What do you study?
- What is your favorite snack? Why?
- What is a food that you do not like? Why?
- ¿Cuando fue su último curso de inglés?
- ¿Qué fue lo que más le gustó del curso? ¿Por qué?
- ¿Qué fue lo que menos le gustó del curso? ¿Por qué?
- ¿Qué tipos de actividades cree que le ayudan más a aprender? ¿Por qué?
- ¿En una escala de 1 a 10 en la cual 10 significa "estoy totalmente de acuerdo" y 1 significa "estoy totalmente en desacuerdo", cómo calificaría las siguientes oraciones?
- I love English.
- English is easy for me.
- No me da vergüenza cometer errores en clase.
- I think English is important for my future.
- Soy buen@ con la técnología.
- Prefiero las clases presenciales más que las virtuales.
- Quiero que este curso sea divertido y de baja presión.
- I always ask questions in class when I don't understand.
- I remember my partners' names.
Activity 2: Famous Products from the Past
Click your group link and follow the instructions.
- Group 1: CLICK HERE
- Group 2: CLICK HERE
- Group 3: CLICK HERE
- Group 4: CLICK HERE
- Group 5: CLICK HERE
- Group 6: CLICK HERE
Activity 3: Listening Practice
You will listen to a conversation between Tommy and his grandfather Bill. The converation is in the video. Click your group link and follow the instructions.
- Group 1: CLICK HERE
- Group 2: CLICK HERE
- Group 3: CLICK HERE
- Group 4: CLICK HERE
- Group 5: CLICK HERE
- Group 6: CLICK HERE
Activity 4: Bill's Life in the Past
Click your group link and follow the instructions.
- Group 1: CLICK HERE
- Group 2: CLICK HERE
- Group 3: CLICK HERE
- Group 4: CLICK HERE
- Group 5: CLICK HERE
- Group 6: CLICK HERE
- Group 7: CLICK HERE
- Group 8: CLICK HERE
- Group 9: CLICK HERE
- Group 10: CLICK HERE
Activity 5: Talk about You
Spin the wheel and ask your partner the question. Your partner should answer the question using:
- IN
- ON
- AT
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