Friday, May 27, 2022

English V - Week 2 - Cultures in Color

  English V - Week 2 - Cultures in Color

Introduction: In today's class we are talking about cultural associations with different colors. Follow your teacher's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Task 1Colorful Expressions
English has many idiomatic expressions that use color to express a message. Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 2Discussing Color
Today we are going to discuss the topic of colors and how different cultures view them. Take a few minutes to discuss these questions with your partners. You do not have to write. 
  • What's your favorite color? Why?
  • What is the most common color in the clothing in your closet?
  • Are there colors that you do not wear? Why?
  • In your culture, are some colors associated when men and some with women? Why do you think that is?
  • What colors are associated with different moods or emotions in your country?
  • What do the colors of the Costa Rican flag represent?
  • Do you know anyone who is colorblind (daltonico)? What do you think it is like to see the world through their eyes?
  • What is Black Friday? Where does the name come from?

Task 3: Listening Practice
Now you are going to do a listening practice but before you start listening, click your group link and follow the instructions.


Task 4Cultural Product Advertisement
Think of a cultural product from Costa Rica and create a virtual advertisement for it using Jamboard. A cultural product includes artifacts of daily use, places people visit, symbols, and other tangible objects found in a culture. 
    • A Title
    • Logo
    • Shapes and Colors
    • At least one image
    • A slogan
    • A description

Task 5Direct and Indirect Questions
Let's practice the indirect question form by doing this exersise. 

Task 6: Indirect Questions
Now let's look at your partners' Cultural Artifact Advertisements. Add indirect questions in the document using the "sticky note" (nota adhesiva) function. DO NOT delete, add to, or change anything else! Ask questions about:
  • Meaning of the symbols
  • Significance of the color choices
  • Importance of the product
  • Other ideas
Use some of these phrases:
  • Could you tell me ...
  • Do you know ....
Use these group links: 

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