Tuesday, January 31, 2023

TOEIC Preparation - Week 2 - Part 1 Photos

  TOEIC Preparation - Week 2 - Part 1 Photos

Task 1Preposition Practice 
You already practiced hand gestures for these prepositions with your teacher. Now it's time for you to practice with your partners. In each group one person will be the leader. The leader will do different gestures and the partners will say the preposition they see. The leader will go quickly so that it is difficult. Then after a minute, the leader will not do anymore gestures. He or she will only say a preposition and the partners have to do the corresponding gesture. After a few minutes, you can change the leader and try again. 

Click the picture to see the full version.

Task 2Identifying Physical Relationships with Prepositions - Click on the pictures below and analyze them. What object can you identify in the picture? What prepositions can you use to describe them? Look at the sentences. What prepositions would make senses in those examples? 

Click the pictures to see the full version.

Now for the last picture, work with your partner to create sentences to describe the relationships between the people and objects in the photo. Try to use as many different prepositions as possible.

Click the picture to see the full version. 

Task 3Facts or Opinions?
Look at the images and the descriptions below them. For each one, decide if it is a fact about the photo or an assumption. You do not need to write, only discuss.

1. The businessmen are having a meeting. (Fact / Assumption)
2. Some people are sitting on the grass. (Fact / Assumption)
3. The friends are about to play a game. (Fact / Assumption)
4. There are some clouds in the sky. (Fact / Assumption)
5. Some of the men are wearing jackets. (Fact / Assumption)

1. The repairmen are discussing a problem. (Fact / Assumption)
2. The light is difficult to fix. (Fact / Assumption)
3. The stepladder is very heavy. (Fact / Assumption)
4. There is a sign above the door. (Fact / Assumption)
5. Both men are looking up at the light. (Fact / Assumption)

1. The man is carrying plates of food. (Fact / Assumption)
2. He is about to serve some customers. (Fact / Assumption)
3. The waiter is working very hard. (Fact / Assumption)
4. The man is wearing a long-sleeved shirt. (Fact / Assumption)
5. The restaurant is very busy. (Fact / Assumption)

1. The tourist is taking a photograph. (Fact / Assumption)
2. The woman is wearing sunglasses. (Fact / Assumption)
3. There are some cars in the background. (Fact / Assumption)
4. The camera has failed to function. (Fact / Assumption)
5. She is holding something in her hands. (Fact / Assumption)

Task 4: Analyzing Distractor Types
Click your group link and follow the instructions. 

Task 5Analyzing Photos
Click your group link below and complete the document with your partners.

Task 6Group Practice
Now you will complete a short quiz to put into practice what we have been studying. One person should share their screen AND computer sound. Then you can take the quiz together. If you need to listen to part of the audio again, you can do it before moving to the next section. When you finish, check your answers. Say what is wrong with the incorrect distractors. 

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