Friday, April 21, 2023

Teaching Grammar and Writing - Week 14 - Grammar and the ESL Writing Class

 Teaching Grammar and Writing - Week 14 - Grammar and the ESL Writing Class

Introduction: Hello and welcome to Week 14 of the course Teaching Grammar and Writing for the Master's in English Teaching at ULACIT in term IC 2023. In this class we will close the circle by combining the two major strands of this course in the exploration of the role of grammar instruction in the context of L2 writing courses.

Today's Goals:
  • Explore controversies, challenges, and opportunities regarding the incorporation of grammar instruction in L2 writing courses.
  • Present and explain the design features and pedagogical choices made in the creation of your Writing Lesson Plan.
Guiding Questions:
  • What is the role of grammar in L2 writing instruction?
  • What design elements are effective in the development of a writing lesson?

Task 1Reading Response - Grammar and the ESL Writing Class
Let's take a moment to discuss these questions related to your final assigned reading for the course.

Task 2Lesson Plan Walkthrough
Now it's time to share your writing lesson plan design. Walk us through your plan and explain the rationale behind the design choices you made.

Click to view full sized image.

Task 3: Reflecting on your Recent Assignments
Let's take the final minutes of our lesson to discuss your two major grammar assignments, the syllabus proposal and the activity portfolio design.

Grammar Syllabus Proposal
  • Overall: What were your initial thoughts about the assignment?
  • Strategies: What strategies did you use to make decisions about the CEFR content, vocab and grammar structures, and suggested tasks? Why did you organize the final product the way you did?
  • Challenges: What challenges did you face while completing this assignment?
  • Insights: What insights did you gain through this process? What are your takeaways?
  • Alternatives: This is just one way to develop a curriculum. What alternatives or variations might also be viable strategies to develop a curriculum with a grammar component?
Grammar Activity Portfolio
  • Overall: What were your initial thoughts about the assignment?
  • Challenges: What challenges did you face while completing this assignment?
  • Insights: How did your participation of this assignment contribute to your growing understanding of the teaching and learning of grammar?

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