Monday, June 19, 2023

TOEIC Preparation - Week 5 - Parts 5 and 6 - Incomplete Sentences and Cloze Passages

   TOEIC Preparation - Week 5 - Parts 5 and 6 - Incomplete Sentences and Cloze Passages

Introduction: In today's class we continue our two week study of parts 5 and 6 in the reading test. This part of the test is similar to standard multiple choice English exams that you are familiar with. Here the test is measuring your ability to identify the appropriate vocabulary, phrase, or grammatical structure to complete a sentence. Complete the collaborative tasks below with your partners. 

Warm UpFortunately, Unfortunately
In this warm up activity you will improvise a story with your partners. Based on ONE of the prompts below. Each person in the group will contribute one sentence at a time to the story. Every sentence must begin with UNFORTUNATELY or FORTUNATELY and you must alternate between them. Keep the story going until your teacher calls you back to the main room.

  • Last weekend I went to the beach.
    • Unfortunately, ...
    • Fortunately, ...

  • My friend invited me to a party last Friday night.
    • Unfortunately, ...
    • Fortunately, ...

  • I got a new job!
    • Unfortunately, ...
    • Fortunately, ...

Task 1Recognize Parts of Speech by Suffix
Click the link below then go to your assigned section of the document according to your breakout room number. You have two tasks to complete. In the first you must categorize the words according to their part of speech. In the second, you will read the words in context, identify their suffix, and think of another word that finishes with the same suffix.

Task 2Identify the Part of Speech
Read each sentence and identify the part of speech of the missing word. Then look at the answer choices. Use the suffix of the words to identify their parts of speech and select the most appropriate word to complete the sentence. This exercise is also on PAGE 8 of your anthology.

Click to View Full Sized Image

Task 3Reviewing Transition Words and Conjuctions
Another grammar point that is evaluated in Parts 5 and 6 are connection words and phrases. These little words can cause a lot of confusion. Let's take some time to analyze their functions. Click your group link below and complete the table with the missing information. 

Task 4Test Yourself - Transition Words and Subordinate Conjunctions
Now click the links below to take two group grammar quizes with your partners to practice the grammar topic from the previous task. 

Task 5Focused Practice - Part 6 - Word Forms and Verb Tenses
We may not have time to complete this in class so you can always do it for extra practice during the week. Click your group link below. Read the three articles and select the best answer choice for each blank. Keep in mind that all the items in this practice will require you to select the word form that matches the missing part of speech or select the correct tense and form of the missing verb.

TOEIC Speaking Practice - Describe a Picture

Task 1Outline a Sample Response
Let's start by practicing the organizational framework carefully. Click the link below that corresponds to your breakout room and follow the instructions in the document.

Task 2: Timed Practice
Work with your partner to describe the photos in the presentation below using the description framework we have practiced. Take time to analyze the picture with your partner and brainstorm some important aspects to include in your description. When you are ready, click the 30 second timer and speak for the entire time. Remember to follow the steps:
  1. Establish the Context
  2. Describe the Focal Point
  3. Make Logical Speculations
  4. Identify Physical Relationships
When you finish, discuss your performance with your partner. What do you think you did well? What aspects of your description framework could you improve? Now, it's your partner's turn to describe the same image. When you finish, your partner will choose a photo to describe and repeat the process. 

Click the 3 dots and put the presentation in full screen.
Click the arrow to change slides. You may have to click it multiple times for it to respond!

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