Friday, July 28, 2023

Culture and SLA - Week 10 - Reading Group Workshop

   Culture and SLA - Week 10 - Reading Group Workshop

Introduction: Hello and welcome to Week 10 of the course Culture and Second Language Acquisition for the master's in English teaching at ULACIT term IIC0 2023. This week we will participate in the reading group workshop to explore some practical strategies for teaching culture in the language classroom by sythesizing and analyzing the ideas found in your assigned readings.

Today's Goals:
  • Present a brief workshop on an assigned reading that synthesizes the author's ideas and explores their classroom implications.
Guiding Questions
  • What does the professional literature say about teaching culture in the L2 classroom?
  • How can I promote professional discussion among peers about an academic article from my field?

Community BuilderSolar System
Click the link below to access the Jamboard and follow the teacher's instructions.

Task 1Reading Group Workshop
Now it's time for your reading group workshop. Before we participate in your presentations, let's quickly review the learning objective and justification.
  • Learning Objective: Demonstrate your ability to read an academic article and accurately identify and synthesize key concepts presented in the text in order to lead a group discussion exploring the implications of the theory to your teaching practice.
  • Justification: A key skill of a professional educator is the ability to draw upon relevant theory from academic literature from the field in order to inform his or her teaching practice. Although academic texts can be challenging, it is essential to develop the ability to read, interpret, and synthesize the core ideas of academic articles when pursuing a degree in a graduate level program.
  • Group 1: Dolka & Miguel - Cultural Codes for Calls: The use of commercial television in teaching culture in the classroom
  • Group 2: Laura & Monserrath - Cultural Mirrors: Materials and methods in the EFL classroom
  • Group 3: Daniela & Ana Ester - Materials for Cultural Awareness

Peer Feedback Framework

Task 2Instructions for Pending Assignments
You have two more major assignments in this course, the Culture Lesson Plan and Textbook Analysis Paper and Presentation. Let's take a look at the instructions for each of them now.


Cortazzi, M. & Jin, L. (1999). Cultural Mirrors: Materials and methods in the EFL classroom. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 196- 219). Cambridge University Press.

Pulverness, A. & Tomlinson, B. (2013). Materials for Cultural Awareness. In B. Tomlinson (Ed.), Developing Materials for Language Teaching (2nd ed., pp. 443-459). Bloomsbury Academic.

Scollon, R. (1999). Cultural Codes for Calls: The use of commercial television in teaching culture in the classroom. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 181- 195). Cambridge University Press.

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