Friday, April 12, 2024

English V - Week 11 - Consequences

 English V - Week 11 - Consequences

Introduction: Hello everyone, and welcome to Week 11 of the course English V at Universidad Castro Carazo term IC 2024.   In today's class we finished talking about the topic of the food, nutrition, and recommendations for a healthy diet.  

Goals: In today's class we will
  • Use the first conditional to express future consequences.
  • Design an original diet plan and explain the intended effects.

Guiding Questions: By the end of today's class you will be able to provide a thoughtful response to the following questions
  • Do I have healthy eating habits?
  • How can I express future consequences?

Warm UpSay 3 Things
In this warm up game we will take turns saying three things from a given category, one we like, one we dislike, and one we don't have any strong feelings about either way. Use the image below as a guide.

Task 1Whole Group Discussion
Click play on the video timer below and discuss the following questions with your partners.

  • Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not?
  • In what ways could your lifestyle be healthier? 
  • What would you have to do to make those changes?
  • Have you ever tried to lose weight or get into better shape?
  • If so, what did you do and what was the result?
  • Why do you think some people have more discipline with their diet and exercise than other people?

Task 2The Power of the Mind
Watch the video and answer these questions.
  • What do you think they are going to eat?
  • What is going to happen to next?
  • What possible connection could this have to the topic of dieting?

Task 3Language Practice
Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 4Crazy New Diet Plan
Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 5Evaluating Diet Programs
Have one of your partners share the screen and sound. Listen to the different weight loss programs and leave comments asking questions and saying your reactions. Which one do you like most and why?

Made with Padlet

Task 6Give me Caffeine!
Let's read the article on page 63 and discuss our caffeine and sugar consumption habits.
  • Are you a coffee drinker?
  • How much and how often do you drink it?
  • When did you start?
  • How do you take your coffee?
  • Do you think it has any negative effects on you?
  • What happens if you don't drink coffee when you normally do?
  • What do you think are the most addictive legal substances?
  • Do you think governments should regulate salt, fat, and sugar content like they regulate tobacco and alcohol?

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