Monday, May 20, 2024

TOEIC Preparation: Week 13 - Part 4 - Talks

  TOEIC Preparation: Week 13 - Part 4 - Talks

Warm Up: How much is just right?
Tell your partners about the perfect amount of the following items.
  • "For me the perfect amount of ... is ... because ..."

Task 1Listening for Sign Posts
Signposts are phrases that serve the function of guiding the listener's attention during a talk. They help the speaker give a more effective message by indicating what he or she is going to say next. By learning to recognize common signposts, you will improve your listening comprehension abilities for extended texts. Click on your group link below and complete the tasks.

Task 2Practice with Graphic Questions
Two or three of the questions in Part 4 will ask you to intepret information from a graphic. Take the mini-test with your group. Click the link below and share your screen and computer sound.

Task 3Focused Practice - Common Talk Types
Click the link below to complete a group quiz focused on the following common talk types: Business Announcements, Special Announcements, Advertisements, and News Reports.
  • Group QuizCLICK HERE
  • TranscriptCLICK HERE to view the transcripts for the talks to check your answers.

Task 4Auditory Memory Practice
In this task you will read a text to your partner and he or she will answer some comprehension questions. Listen carefully to see how many details you can identify and retain in your short-term memory. If you don't remember the answer to some of the questions, you can ask your partner to read it again.  

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