Saturday, May 30, 2020

TOEIC Preparation - Day 1 - Vocabulary Exercises

TOEIC Preparation - Day 1 - Group Exercises 

Introduction: We will use this blog post to complete several exercises during the class. Pay attention to the instructions for each task and work with your partners to complete it.

Task 1Page 7 - Task A - In this task you are asked to identify words and phrases that describe an event. Look at the event on the left and then consider the phrases on the right. Which phrases do you NOT ASSOCIATE with that event? Why not?

Click the picture to see the full version.

Task 2: Preposition Practice - You already practiced hand gestures for these prepositions with your teacher. Now it's time for you to practice with your partners. In each group one person will be the leader. The leader will do different gestures and the partners will say the preposition they see. The leader will go quickly so that it is difficult. Then after a minute, the leader will not do anymore gestures. He or she will only say a preposition and the partners have to do the corresponding gesture. After a few minutes, you can change the leader and try again. 

Click the picture to see the full version.

Task 3: Identifying Physical Relationships with Prepositions - Click on the pictures below and analyze them. What object can you identify in the picture? What prepositions can you use to describe them? Look at the sentences. What prepositions would make senses in those examples? 

Click the pictures to see the full version.

Now for the last picture, work with your partner to create sentences to describe the relationships between the people and objects in the photo. Try to use as many different prepositions as possible.

Click the picture to see the full version. 

Task 4: Pg. 28 Business Vocabulary Review - Each list of words represents a category. Read the words and try to think of a category for them. Then decide which words do not belong in that category.

Click the picture to see the full version.

Task 5: Office Vocabulary Game - For the vocabulary game you are going to describe different objects we can find in an office. In your group you need to make two teams. Team A and Team B. Then click the link to find the picture you will describe. For the first round Team A will take 5 minutes to describe their picture to Team B to see how many words they can guess. If they don't know the word in English, they can say it in Spanish. Then it is time for Team B to describe their words. They have 5 minutes to describe their picture to see how many words Team A can guess. 


Team A: CLICK HERE to see the picture you will describe.

Team B: CLICK HERE to see the picture you will describe.

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