Friday, July 31, 2020

Talking about Regrets

Talking about Regrets

Introduction: In today's class we are talking about regrets. A regret is when you feel bad about something that you did in the past. Work with your partners to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: You are going to read an article about some research that has been done about what people regret in life. Before you read, with a partner say whether you think the following sentences are true or not.
  • Most people spend some time every day thinking about things that they regret having done or not having done. TRUE or FALSE
  • The main area of life where people have regrets is relationships. TRUE or FALSE
  • On average people have one major regret in life. TRUE or FALSE
  • Most people think that the things they regret having done (or not done) are other people's fault. TRUE or FALSE
  • Most people believe that regrets are positive, because you learn from your mistakes. TRUE or FALSE
Now, read the text below and check if your ideas were correct.

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Click to see full size image

Task 2: Now read some of the Top 20 Regrets that people have reported and work with your group members to decide what you think are the Top 5 Regrets.

Click to see full size image

Now listen to the video to hear people expressing different regrets. Pause the video after each one and summarize what they regret in your own words.

Task 3: Now read four comments that people posted on the newspaper website after reading the article. Do you agree with any of them?

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Click to see full size image

Click to see full size image

Task 4: Grammar Practice - We use the structure below to express regret about things we did or things we didn't do.

Click here to see full size image

Now try to complete the exercise to practice the form.
  1. I wish I _________ (start) learning English when I was a child!
  2. I wish we ________ (buy) more expensive seats. I can't see a thing.
  3. That party sounds like it was a lot of fun. I wish I ________ (be) there.
  4. This suitcase is too heavy. I wish I ________ (not pack) so many clothes.
  5. I'm really tired. I wish we ________ (go) by car instead of deciding to walk.
  6. I'd love to be able to play the piano. I wish I ________ (learn) when I was a child.

Task 5: Now practice expressing regrets using the structure we studied.

  • wish(es) + had + past participle
Imagine you are the people in these photos and write some regrets they probably have.

Task 6: Role-play - Imagine you are interviewing an elderly member of your family about his or her life. Ask him or her about their greatest achievements and their biggest regrets. Try to improvise the conversation. That means you shouldn't decide everything that you are going to say. Instead, talk naturally and invent the information. You can use the list of regrets below to to get ideas. Make sure you express your regrets with the form "I wish + had (not) + past participle".

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