Friday, August 21, 2020

Doing Science

 Doing Science

Introduction: In today's class we are going to talk about the impact of science in our lives, learn about some hard working scientists that sacrificed a lot for their research, and present a research proposal for a life changing project. Work with your partners to complete the tasks below. 

Task 1: History's Greatest Inventions
Read the chart below with a list of what some historians think are the 10 greatest inventions in the last 1,000 years. What do you think they are? Guess what the inventions might be. Then check your answers.

Click to see full size image.

When you are ready, you can CLICK HERE to check your answers. Now, with your partners decide which of these inventions you think are the 3 most important and why. How have they changed the world? Imagine these inventions didn't exist. How would the world be different?

Task 2: Scientific Facts or Myths?
Your teacher assigned you to a group. Click your corresponding link below and complete the tasks.

Task 3: Let's Find Out!
Now press play on the video to listen to a scientist on a radio program discussing each statement. Were your guesses correct? 

Now listen again and take notes in your Google Doc. 

Task 4: Scientists who Paid the Price
Click on your corresponding link below and read about your scientist. Take notes about important information you need to share with your partners.

Now share your scientist with the group. When everyone finishes sharing, answer the questions below to identify the correct scientist.

Which scientist or scientists...?
  • got sick after trying to show that his discovery was harmless? _____
  • made a fatal mistake during and experiment? ______    ______
  • died of diseases he caught as a result of his experiment? ______
  • caused the death of other scientists? ______
  • used to breathe in toxic substances? ______     ______
  • was doing his experiments to reverse or stop the aging process? ______
  • is remembered today for the negative effects of his discovery? ______
  • was not very successful in his first job? ______

Task 5: Study Grant Proposal
You are a group of scientists working on a potentially life changing research project and you need more funding to complete your studies. Create a proposal for a government grant (bono) to be able to carry out your project. Consider the information below.

  • What is our scientific discipline?
  • What knowledge gap are we trying to fill with our work?
  • What is the potential impact for people on a personal and global level?
  • How much money do we need?
  • How will we use the money?
  • How will we show our results?

Task 6: Fluency Practice
In this exercise you will work in pairs (Student A and Student B). Take turns asking each other questions from your list. Your partner should try to speak for 60 seconds without stopping. Use the timer below to keep track. Since this is fluency practice, just keep talking even if you don't have a clear answer or opinion regarding the question. Express speculation, possibilities, doubts, or just lie! The goal is to improve our talking speed.

Student A: Ask these questions to your partner and keep the time.
  • Which scientific subjects do or did you study in school? What do or did you enjoy the most and the least? Why?
  • What do you think is the most important scientific discovery of recent years? Why?
  • Are there any scientific discoveries that you wish hadn't been made? Why?
  • Are you OK with eating genetically modified food? Why or why not?
  • Do you think it is acceptable for animals to be used in experiments? Does it make a difference if the experiments are for medical research or for cosmetics testing?
  • Are you worried about any of the things scientists are currently experimenting with?

Student B: Ask these questions to your partner and keep the time.
  • Which scientific subjects do you think have actually taught you something useful? Why?
  • Is there a scientist (living or dead) who you admire? Who? If you can't think of one, who is a leading thinker from another discipline that you admire?
  • If you were sick, would you agree to be a guinea pig (conejito de indias) for a new kind of treatment?
  • Are there any scientific stories in the news right now? What is the last scientific discovery or problem that you remember hearing about?
  • What would you most like scientists to discover in the near future?

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