Friday, August 21, 2020

Support Local Tourism

 Support Local Tourism

Introduction: In today's class you will work with your partners to create a campaign to promote local tourism in Costa Rica. You will also learn about how to express ideas related to unreal situations. Work with your partners to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: Our Top 5
Work with your partners to choose what you consider to be the Top 5 Touristic Treasures in Costa Rica. Choose the 5 locations and for each describe what it offers to the visitor that makes it so attractive.

Task 2: Reading and Listening Practice
Read about Lilly and answer the questions below.

1) Does Lilly have a brother?
    -No, she...

2) How does she express her wish?
   -If I had..., I would...

3) What would she do with her brother?

4) How would she feel?

5) Why would her mom and dad be happy?
  -Because she...

Now press play on the video to listen to Sam and Annie. What do they wish for? Complete their sentences by writing in the chat.

What is the reality about Sam and Annie? What would they do if they could?

Task 3: Grammar Practice
Click on your link and complete the grammar practice with your partners.

Task 4: Vacation
Read the travel advertisement below with your partners and decide how to complete sentences with the missing words.

Click to see full size image.

Task 5: Support Local Tourism
As you know, the tourism sector has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with hundreds of hotels, restaurants, and scenic locations closed to the public. The government of Costa Rica wants to start an advertising campaign to motivate people from the GAM to visit different parts of the country during long weekends to help support the economies of these areas. Follow these instructions to create the campaign.

Think of one location in Costa Rica that you want to promote. 

Use the structure IF ________, WILL/MIGHT ________ to explain what visitors will experience if they visit your chosen location now. 

For example: "If you try the rice and beans, you will not be disappointed." or "If you spend you weekend here, you will forget about your troubles and stress."

Use the structure, IF ________, WOULD(N'T) ________ to express ideas about how the location could be changed to make it more attractive.

For example: "If the town offered a larger variety of activities, people would want to visit it." or "If the roads were better, people would travel to the town more quickly."

Be ready to share your travel proposals with the class.

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