Friday, November 19, 2021

English V - Week 10 - Innovation in Education

   English V - Week 10 - Innovation in Education

Introduction: In today's class we will start Chapter 11 on the topic of knowledge and learning by exploring our past experiences in school and describing ways to make schools more innovative. We will also carry out your second performance evaluation by sharing a group presentation and a guided discussion activity about an important woman from the past.

Warm Up: Are Your Smarter than a 5th Grader?
A popular show in the United States is Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader where adults have to answer questions about things that students learn in 5th grade. 

Encuesta: Please follow the teacher's instructions to complete the student survey. This is very important for the teacher and the university so please help with this!
  • Log out of the Entorno Virtual OR open a new "incognito" window.

Task 1: Nasty School
You are going to read a poem called Nasty School. Before you read, discuss these questions with yoru partners. 
  • What are some rules that kids typically have to follow in school?
  • What are some ways that kids misbehaved when you were in school?

Task 2: Group Discussion
If you finished discussing the poem, answer these questions with your partners.
  • What is your earliest memory of school? 
  • Describe a teacher from elementary school, high school, or college who is memorable to you in a good way. What can you say about this person?
  • Describe a teacher who is memorable to you in a bad way. Why do you have negative associations with them?
  • In what ways do you think the teaching-learning process in educational institutions has changed since you were a child? What about since your parents' generation?
  • Do you think that the average student experience in high school and college in Costa Rica adequately prepares the student for personal and professional success?

Task 3: Innovation in Learning
You are going to read an article about a school in Brazil that offers a very different methodology of teaching. 
  • Go to Page 130 and complete exercises 1 and 2.
  • Now read the article and answer the questions in exercise 4. 

Task 4: Performance 2 - Oral Presentations
Now it is time for your oral presentations. Remember to give your audience something to do while they listen to your talk and also to lead the audience in short guided discussion at the end. 

Guided Discussion Time

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