Friday, July 1, 2022

English V - Week 7 - Narrating Past Events

   English V - Week 7 - Narrating Past Events

Introduction: In today's class we continue talking about the topic of the ocean and stories of survival. 

Warm UpMaking Connections
Click the group document and follow your teacher's instructions.

Task 1Group Discussion
Click play on the video timer below and discuss the following questions with your partners.

  • Can you think of any movies, tv shows, or books that are connected with the sea?
  • What do you know about the story of the Titanic? 
    • Why was the ship special?
    • When did it sink?
    • Where was it going when it sunk?
    • Why did it sink?
    • Where is it now?
    • How was it discovered?
    • Where is it now?
  • Why do you think the story of the Titanic has been so facinating to people?
  • Are you familiar with any other stories of disaster at sea?

Task 2: Reading Practice
Click the group link below and follow your teacher's instructions. We are going to complete exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Unit 3 Part B in your ebook.

Task 3Storm at Sea
Click your group links below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 4Real Stories of Survival
Now you are going to read a story about ocean survival. Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 5: Film Adaptation
In groups you will chose one of the three stories and write a proposal for a "film adaptation". To do this you will need to include the following:
  • Choose one of the stories
  • Invent an interesting title
  • Choose an actor for the principle character
  • Write a paragraph narrating the events of the story. Be sure your paragraph includes:
    • Past: Use the past to narrate a sequence of short consecutive events
    • Past Continuous: Use the past continuous to establish context by describing what was happening at the beginning of a scene
    • Past Continuous and Past Simple: Use the past simple to interrupt an event that was in progress
    • Past Perfect: Use the past perfect to refer to something that happened earlier
  • Add an image
Click your group link below:

Task 6: What Happened?
Let's finish with a short grammar practice about two mysterious stories. Click your group link below and follow the instructions. 

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