Friday, July 15, 2022

English V - Week 9 - A Better Life

   English V - Week 9 - A Better Life

Introduction: In today's class we continue talking about the topic of the jobs, employment, and future posibilities.  

Warm Up: Draw the Future
Click on your group document and follow your teacher's instructions.
  • Making Interpretations
    • I think it might be...
    • I'm not sure but it looks like...
    • I have no idea but I'm going to make a guess.

Task 1: Whole Group Discussion
Click play on the video timer below and discuss the following questions with your partners.

  • Look at the adjectives below. For each one, mentions several occupations that you think they could describe:
    • Dirty
    • Boring
    • Challenging
    • Underpaid
    • Dangerous
    • Exciting
    • Enjoyable
    • Well-paid
    • Stressful
  • Last week we talked about jobs that are in danger of disappearing because of globalization, automation, and artificial intelligence. Which jobs do you think are most vulnerable? Why?
  • Which careers do you think are the safest for young people to follow? Why?
  • Do you think that the evolution of technology will bring mostly postive effects or will it have more negative consequences for the average person in the future? Why?

Task 2: Language Review
Let's quickly review the language points from last week. 

Task 3What do you think?
Read the list of predictions made by experts about the year 2065. Use the phrases in the yellow box to express your opinion about each one. Make sure you give reasons and details to support your opinion. You will have 7 minutes to complete this task. Click play on the timer so you can keep track of the time.

At Home

  • Most people will install solar panels or wind turbines on their houses or apartment buildings to generate their own electricity.
  • People will recycle almost 100% of their waste (residuos) and people who don't recycle will have to pay a fine to the government.


  • Cars that use a lot of gas (ex. 4x4s) will be prohibited and many people will be driving electric cars.
  • Cheap airlines will disappear and flights will be much more expensive.

The Environment

  • Paper books will not be produced so we can save trees from being cut down. All books will be electronic.
  • Fresh water will run out (agotarse) in many parts of the world and we will get much of our water from the ocean through desalination plants.

The Weather

  • Temperatures worldwide will rise even further. Many ski resorts will be closed because of a lack (escasez) of winter snow and some beaches and vacation resorts will disappear completely.
  • We will have even more extreme weather, and heat waves, hurricanes, floods, etc., will be frequent occurrences. 

Work Life

  • More than 90% of jobs will be remote. People will study, work, and socialize online in virtual reality. Food deliveries will be made by drones. There will be very few reasons to leave your house.
  • The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Machines will replace most manual labor like cooks, construction, and drivers. Artificial intelligence will take the place of office workers, receptionists, teachers, tech support. This means that millions of people will have to compete for the same jobs.

Task 4Making a Challenging Decision
Click your group link and follow the instructions with your partners. 

Task 5: What's Next?
Now go to your ebook pages 48 and 49 (Unit 4 Part B).  Complete exercises 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10
  • Your Ebook: CLICK HERE

Task 6: Making a Plan
Imagine you just lost your job at Shur-Time Watch Company because management bought a new computer system that made your job redundant. What are your plans now? Tell your friends about your next steps.
  • What are your plans now that you have to change careers?
  • What are you doing to make yourself more attractive to potential employers?
  • What will you say in your next job interview to convince the manager that you are the right person for the job?
  • How will you improve your skills so that you can adapt to changing situations in the future?
  • Do you have plans to study something else or get any additional certifications?
  • What are you worried about in the future?

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