Friday, August 5, 2022

English V - Week 12 - Eating Out

   English V - Week 12 - Eating Out

Introduction: In today's class we will finish our study of the topic of food, diets, and health. 

Warm Up: What the World Eats
Click the group link below and follow your teacher's instructions. 

Task 1: Whole Group Discussion and Reading
Discuss these questions with your teacher and classmates.
  • What do you think are the most important plants in the world? Why?
  • Which common food items do you think are unhealthy?
  • Do you think unhealthy foods and drinks can be consumed responsibly?
Now get ready to do a short reading with your group. You will share your ideas when you get back to the main room.

Task 2: Give me Caffeine!
Let's get ready to read the article on page 63.
  • Are you a coffee drinker?
  • How much and how often do you drink it?
  • When did you start?
  • How do you take your coffee?
  • Do you consume any other products that contain caffeine?
  • Do you think it has any negative effects on you?
  • What happens if you don't drink caffeine when you normally do?
  • What do you think are the most addictive legal substances?
  • Do you think governments should regulate salt, fat, and sugar content like they regulate tobacco and alcohol?

Now click the link below to access your e-book. Go to Unit 5 Part C on Page 63 and complete exercises 3, 4, and 12.
  • Access your E-Book: CLICK HERE

Task 3: Eating Out
Have one member of the group share the screen. Click the three dots (...) and put it in full screen. If for some reason you can't see the presentation, CLICK HERE

Task 4Restaurants!
Click the group link below and follow your teacher's instructions. 

Task 5Restaurant Roleplays
You will participate in a restaurant role-play between a waiter and some customers. There will be two roles: Waiters & Customers. Decide now which role you will play and click on your assigned scenario link below. There is only one rule you have to follow. You CAN'T look at your partner's information so please DON'T share screen. 

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