Friday, August 12, 2022

English V - Week 13 - Mysteries

   English V - Week 13 - Mysteries

Introduction: In today's class we will begin our study of the topic of mysteries and you will also begin working with your partners on your final group project. 

Warm Up: Riddles!
Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 1: What the ...?
Pay attention to your teacher's story. 
  • What are your theories?
  • What additional information would you need to know to test your theory?

Task 2: Group Discussion
Discuss these questions with your partners.
  • Do you know any other mysterious anecdotes similar to the one the teacher shared?
  • Why do you think people love mysteries so much?
  • Solving mysteries involves both logical and creative thinking. What's the difference?
  • Do you think you are a creative thinker? A logical thinker? How do you know?
  • Do you think people can learn to be better problem solvers or are you born with it?
  • Puzzle: Read the instructions in the graphic below. What solutions can you offer?

    Task 3Listening and Reading Practice
    Click the group link below and follow your teacher's instructions. 

    Task 4: Group Project Planning
    It's time to get started with your group projects. Click on your group links below and get started. 

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