Friday, August 19, 2022

English V - Week 14 - Making Speculations

   English V - Week 14 - Making Speculations

Introduction: In today's class we will finish our study of the topic of mysteries and you will also take time to put the finishing touches on your final group project.  

Warm Up: Guess the Mystery Object!
Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 1: Group Discussion
Discuss these questions with your partners.
  • What ancient mysteries are you familiar with?
  • Where in the world can you find pyramids? Why and how do you think they were built?
  • What do you know about the ancient spheres of Costa Rica? When, why, and how were they built?
  • There are a lot of "ancient aliens" theories on tv shows to explain impressive ancient structures. Why do you think this is such a popular type of tv show? 
  • Do you think an "extraterrestrial" explanation is an insult to the ancient people that actually built these structures?
  • One of the most famous ancient mysteries are the massive geoglyphs in Peru called the Nazca Lines. What do you know about them?
  • Look at some of the most famous Nazca images below. Can you guess what any of them represent?

    Task 2Listening Practice
    Click the group link below and follow your teacher's instructions. 

    Task 3Language Practice
    Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document.

    Task 4: Group Project Planning
    It's time to get started with your group projects. Click on your group links below and get started. 

    • Group 5: Rene, Carlos, Christopher Q., Christopher G. 

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