Thursday, July 16, 2020

Eco-Guilty or Eco-Conscious?

Eco-Guilty or Eco-Conscious?

Introduction: In today's class we are talking about ecological issues, our individual contributions to the problems and solutions, and also future predictions about our relationship with the natural world.

Warm Up: Click on the image below to open Padlet. You will have three minutes to write as many ideas as you can about problems with ecology and natural resources. Write a new post for each problem. When the time is up, you will have three more minutes to add a comment to your partners' posts. In your comment you should write one potential cause of the problem and one potential future consequence. Try not to repeat any ideas that your partners already wrote.

Made with Padlet

Small Group Discussion: Discuss the following questions with your partners. You have exactly 5 minutes to complete this task so make sure you organize your time so that every member of your group has an equal opportunity to speak. Press play on the video to start the timer.

  1. Do you think that the average person is more eco-conscious now or 50 years in the past? Why or why not?
  2. What are some ecological problems in Costa Rica? 
  3. What ecological or natural resource problems can you identify your local community or neighborhood?
  4. Costa Rica is promoted internationally as an ecological paradise and in many ways this is true. However, there are many ecological and natural resources problems as well. What message do you think the country is sending to visitors when they come face to face with this contradiction?

Let's Think: How Eco-Guilty are you? You will take a quiz to find out if your daily habits make you eco-guilty or eco-conscious. Your teacher already assigned you a group number. Now, give each member of your group a letter: A, B, C, or D. Click on your group link below and go to the section for your letter.


When you finish, discuss these questions:

  • Do you agree or disagree with the results? Why?
  • How do you think you could improve your habits to be more eco-conscious?

Making Predictions: Read the list of predictions made by experts about the year 2040. Use the phrases in the yellow box to express your opinion about each one. Make sure you give reasons and details to support your opinion. You will have 7 minutes to complete this task. Click play on the timer so you can keep track of the time.

At Home

  • Most people will have installed solar panels or wind turbines on their houses or apartment buildings to generate their electricity.
  • People will be recycling almost 100% of their waste (residuos) and people who don't will have to pay a fine.


  • Cars that use a lot of gas (ex. 4x4s) will have been banned and many people will be driving electric cars.
  • Low-cost airlines will have disappeared and flights will be much more expensive.

The Environment

  • Paper books will no longer be produced to save trees from being cut down, and all books will be electronic.
  • Fresh water will be running out in many parts of the world and we will be getting much of our water from the ocean through desalination plants.

The Weather

  • Temperatures worldwide will have risen even further. Many ski resorts will have closed because of a lack (escasez) of winter snow and some beaches and vacation resorts will have disappeared completely.
  • We will be having even more extreme weather, and heat waves, hurricanes, floods, etc., will be frequent occurrences. 

Make Your Own Predictions: In the last exercise, you analyzed predictions for the year 2040 about these categories:

  • At Home
  • Transportation
  • The Environment
  • The Weather

Now, you will work with your partners to choose four new categories and write at least two predictions for each one. One prediction should be written in the future perfect (a change that will already happen before 2040) and the other prediction should be written in the future continuous (something that people will be doing differently in that moment).

Your teacher gave you a group number. Click the link below and find the space for your group. Then complete the document with the required information.

CLICK HERE to access the document.  

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