Friday, July 31, 2020

Inglés IV - Unit 11: Life is what you make it

Inglés IV - Unit 11: Life is what you make it

Introduction: In today's class we are starting Unit 11: Life Is What You Make It. Work with your partners to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: A Life Well Lived - Discuss the questions below with your partners. You have exactly 5 minutes so click play on the video to start your timer. This will help you organize your time so that everyone has a chance to give their opinion.

  • What are some rules that you live by? Your life philosophy?
  • What do you think is the key to living a happy life?
  • What are some achievements (logros) you have had in your life?
  • What future achievements are you working toward?
  • What are some things that you like to do?
  • How long have you done these things?
  • Do you think a day will come when you will not be interested in these things anymore?

Task 2: One Man's Life - Choirmaster and TV host, Gareth Malone is passionate about teaching singing. Look quickly through the chart about his life. In what ways has music been a part of his life?

Now study the chart more closely and answer these questions.
  • Where and when was Gareth born?
  • When did he move to London?
  • What did he study in college?
  • How long did he work for the LSO?
  • How many awards has he won?
  • How long has he been married?
  • Does he have any children?
  • What is he doing now?

Now, match the questions about Gareth below with an answer.

Click to see the full size image

Task 3: Language Analysis - Work with your partners to complete the language analysis worksheet. Your teacher gave you a group number. Click on your link below. 

Task 4: A Life Well Lived - You are going to describe the life of a prolific person. Go into the Padlet below. You have 5 minutes to add as many milestones as you can to this person's timeline. In the title of each post, write the year. Then briefly mention an important event in their life. 

Made with Padlet

Now you are going to work with your group to write a short biography of the person. You can invent their name and some additional details about them but base the majority of your paragraph on the content of the timeline. Try to include some sentences that:
  • Describe things that began in the past and continue to now.
  • Talk about completed past actions that happened at a specific time.
  • Explain completed past actions that happened at an unspecified time.
  • Discuss things that have happened several times. 
  • Emphasize how long something has been in progress.
CLICK HERE to write your paragraph. 

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