Friday, July 24, 2020

Read and Discuss: Important Internet Firsts

Read and Discuss: Important Internet Firsts

Introduction: In today's class we are talking about important inventions in history. For this activity, you will read about an important invention in this history of the internet. Your teacher gave you a group number. Go to your section below and follow the instructions. 

Group 1
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Instructions: Work with your group members to read your text and answer the following questions. You will share the answers with people from other groups in the next activity so be sure you can explain this information in your own words.

  • What are the names and nationalities of the people involved?
  • What and where did this first happen?
  • What are some important dates and events in this history?
  • What personal experiences or opinions do you have with this technology?
  • What is your personal opinion about the importance of this technology? 
  • What impact did it have on society in the past? What impact does it have today?

Group 2
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Instructions: Work with your group members to read your text and answer the following questions. You will share the answers with people from other groups in the next activity so be sure you can explain this information in your own words.
  • What are the names and nationalities of the people involved?
  • What and where did this first happen?
  • What are some important dates and events in this history?
  • What personal experiences or opinions do you have with this technology?
  • What is your personal opinion about the importance of this technology? 
  • What impact did it have on society in the past? What impact does it have today?

Group 3
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Instructions: Work with your group members to read your text and answer the following questions. You will share the answers with people from other groups in the next activity so be sure you can explain this information in your own words.
  • What are the names and nationalities of the people involved?
  • What and where did this first happen?
  • What are some important dates and events in this history?
  • What personal experiences or opinions do you have with this technology?
  • What is your personal opinion about the importance of this technology? 
  • What impact did it have on society in the past? What impact does it have today?

Group 4
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Instructions: Work with your group members to read your text and answer the following questions. You will share the answers with people from other groups in the next activity so be sure you can explain this information in your own words.
  • What are the names and nationalities of the people involved?
  • What and where did this first happen?
  • What are some important dates and events in this history?
  • What personal experiences or opinions do you have with this technology?
  • What is your personal opinion about the importance of this technology? 
  • What impact did it have on society in the past? What impact does it have today?

Group 5
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Instructions: Work with your group members to read your text and answer the following questions. You will share the answers with people from other groups in the next activity so be sure you can explain this information in your own words.
  • What are the names and nationalities of the people involved?
  • What and where did this first happen?
  • What are some important dates and events in this history?
  • What personal experiences or opinions do you have with this technology?
  • What is your personal opinion about the importance of this technology? 
  • What impact did it have on society in the past? What impact does it have today?

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