Friday, July 17, 2020

Infographic - Inventions that Changed the World

Infographic - Inventions that Changed the World

Instructions: For your Performance 3 (10%) you will create an infographic with your partners and give a 5 minute group presentation about an invention, technology, or product that has changed the world. Your infographic and presentation must include the following details:
  • Make at least 5 posts in the infographic. Each post should contain a photo and some original text. You can NOT copy/paste your text from the internet.
  • The text in each post should contain at least one passive voice sentence and other information to provide details.
  • In your presentation, each group member should speak for an equal amount of time.

Organization: Here is a way you can organize your presentation.
  • Introduction: What is your topic and why did you choose it?
  • Infographic: Share each of your infographic posts in a logical order. Read the post and explain why it is significant using your own words to expand and give more details and examples.
  • Conclusion: Why do you think this invention, technology or product has changed the world?

Made with Padlet

Infographic: Do you need inspiration for your posts? Consider these questions to help you think of important information that you want to include in the infographic.
  • Where was it invented or discovered?
  • Which country produces the most?
  • Which country consumes the most?
  • Which country uses the least?
  • Who is an important person involved with this topic?
  • What materials are used to create it? 
  • Where do the materials come from?
  • Other ideas?

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