Saturday, July 18, 2020

TOEIC Speaking Practice - Questions 5-7

TOEIC Speaking Practice - Questions 5-7

Introduction: In this part of the TOEIC Speaking test you have to pretend you are answering a market research survey by telephone. You will be asked three questions and you need to provide short answers for them. You do not have any time to prepare. Take a look at the learning goals for this section. This part of the test is designed to measure your ability to do the following.

Click to see full size image

Useful Language: Pay close attention to what the question is asking. The chart below outlines some common question types, identifies what they are asking, and suggests relevant structures to use.

Click to view full size image.

Task 1: Think Fast Debate!
One of you should "flip" the coin. If it is Heads, you need to defend the choice on the left. If it is Tails, you need to defend the choice on the right. You each have 30 seconds to speak. When you finish, change topics, flip the coin, and debate again.

  • Netfix vs Cinema
  • Pinto vs Chifrijo
  • Soccer vs Other Sports
  • City Life vs Country Life
  • Science vs Art
  • Cats vs Dogs
  • Your choice vs Your Partner's Choice


Task 2: Three Quick Questions
The Google Slides presentation below contains six sets of questions for this section of the exam. In each slide you have stopwatch videos, one for each question, to help you manage your time as you practice giving responses. Use the arrows at the bottom left of the presentation to pass through the slides.

Repeat your responses a second time to see if you can improve your fluency, accuracy, organization of ideas, and most importantly, time management!

More Pair Practice

Task 3: Think Fast Mini-Speech
This improvisation activity consists of 4 rounds. In each round you or your partner will give a 30 second speech about a specific topic. Try to mention as many reasons and details as you can in the time limit. Do not stop talking until the time is over.

1) What are three objects you never leave home without and why?
2) What is your favorite part of your house and why?
3) What is a holiday that you don't like very much and why?
4) What is something you have never done but have always wanted to try and why?

Task 4: Mini-Test 
In this task you will play the video respond to three questions. The video includes the timer. Remember you have 15 seconds to respond to questions 1 and 2 and 30 seconds to respond to question 3. When you finish, discuss your responses with your partner and say what you did well and what you could improve. 

Student 1

Student 2

Student 1

Student 2

Task 5: Rapid Fire Improvisation 
In this task your listening comprehension, thinking speed, and improvisational abilities will be tested. You will hear a rapid fire list of questions for which you will need to provide a 15 second response. You will hear a beep that signals when when to start and stop your responses. For an extra challenge, listen to the audio again and provide different responses for each question. This will help you work on your improvisation skills which can come in handy in this section of the real test.

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