Friday, September 18, 2020

Course Introduction - Inglés V - IIIC 2020


Course Introduction - Inglés V - IIIC 2020

Introduction: Welcome to the first class of Term III of 2020. Let's take a moment at the beginning of the class today to do the tasks below.

Task 1Nice to Meet You (5 minutes) Have a conversation to get to know your partners. Ask and answer questions to learn basic personal information.
  • Name
  • Hometown
  • Major (carrera universitaria)
  • Work
  • Hobbies
  • Favorite things

Task 2Class Experiences (10 minutes) Now discuss some of your previous experiences with English classes in this university and in other places.

Click the picture to see the full size.

Task 3Class Rules and Requests (5 minutes) Online classes and face to face classes are not the same. What are some recommendations we should follow to make this course a nice experience? 

  • What do you need from: the teacher, your partners, and yourself?
  • What you want your teacher, your partners, and yourself to do?
  • What are some positive actions that your teacher, your partners, and you can do to contribute to a nice learning experience in this course?

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