Friday, September 25, 2020

English V - Week 2 - Families and Culture

 Families and Culture

Introduction: In today's class you will discuss the topic of family dynamics in different cultures and compare them to your own. Follow the teacher's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: Question Storm
Let's play a game to get to know each other better! You will work in groups of 3 or 4. Take turns asking one of your group members as many questions as you can in one minute and thirty seconds. Ask a question and as soon as your partner answers, ask another one. See how many questions he or she can answer in the time limit. Then change partners for the next round. Click play on the video to start your timer for each round.  

Start the Timer

Task 2: Practice with Auxiliary Verbs and Question Formation
Work with your partners to complete these exercises to practice the formation of questions.

Task 3: Reading Discussion
In the next activity, you will work with your partners to read about a typical family in another country. Before you read, take a few minutes to discuss these questions with your group members.
  • Who is in your immediate family?
  • Name some people in your extended family?
  • Do your immediate and extended family members live in the same geographic area?
  • Who do you have a close relationship with?
  • Who do you live with now?
  • Who did you grow up with?

Task 4: Let's Read
Your teacher put you in a group. Click on your assigned link below and follow the instructions.

Task 5: Discussion Time
Now you will work with a new partner who read about a different family. Pretend that you are one of the parents from your family (Boniface & Pauline or Qu & Liu). Ask each other questions about your family dynamics in order to discover the following information:
  • What similarities and differences exist between your families?
  • How have your lives changed over the years?
  • What regrets or worries do you have now?

Task 6: Typical Family in Costa Rica
Now that you have read about typical families in other parts of the world, you are going to work with your partners to create a profile of a typical family in Costa Rica. In order to do this, you are going to add the following information to your Padlet post. In the end, we are going to present the families and choose which one is the MOST typical.
  • What are their lastnames?
  • What are the names of the family members?
  • How many children do they have?
  • Who else lives in the house?
  • Where do they live (specifically)?
  • What are their jobs?
  • How do they spend their free time?
  • What is important to them?
  • What are some other characteristics about them?
  • You can add pictures too if you want!
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