Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Semi Intensive 5: Milestones

 Semi Intensive 5: Milestones

Introduction: In today's class we are talking about important life acheivements. Work with your partners to complete the tasks below.

Warm Up: Guess the Picture Charades
Follow your teacher's instructions carefully. You will open the pictures and try to help your partner guess what it is by using gestures only.

Task 2: Unit Opener
Read the paragraph aloud with your partner then discuss the questions. 

Click to see full sized image.

Task 3: Milestone Survey
CLICK HERE to open the survey. Work with your partner to complete the information. Only one of you needs to submit your answers.

Task 4: Grammar Exploration
Click on your group link below and follow the instructions in your worksheet.

Task 5: Grammar Practice
Click on your group link below and follow the instructions in your worksheet.

Task 6Speculating about Milestones
CLICK HERE to access a series of images. For each person you see, discuss the milestones you think this person has achieved in his/her life and ones he/she hasn't achieved by using these phrases. If you need ideas, you can look at the wordcloud for inspiration.

  • "He/She has ________ , but he/she hasn't ________."

Click to see full sized image.

Task 7: Play the Part
Now look at the pictures again and this time pretend to be that person. Answer your partner's questiosn about your milestones and life experiences.
  • Have you ________?
  • When did you first ________?

Task 7: Interview a Member of Your Community
In this task you will interview an elderly member of your community. You will have 5 minutes to ask the person as many questions as you can about the different milestones they have passed in their life, when they achieved them, and how they felt. Press play on the video to start your timer. Remember to keep talking until the time is over.

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