Sunday, February 7, 2021

English Phonetics and Phonology: Consonant System Review

 English Phonetics and Phonology: Consonant System Review

Introduction: This week we review our understanding of the English consonant system by making short presentations based on the assigned reading. Follow your professor's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Warm Up: /nɑk nɑk dʒoʊks/
Knock knock jokes are a very common style of jokes in English that involve similarly pronounced words and phrases. To tell a knock knock joke, you must pretend that you are knocking on a person's door. The knock knock joke always follows  the same pattern.
  • Joke Teller: "Knock Knock"
  • Listener: "Who's there?"
  • Joke Teller: "X"
  • Listener: "X who?"
  • Joke Teller: ...THIS IS THE FUNNY PART
With your partners take turns clicking on the links and telling your knock knock jokes. You do NOT need to share your screen for this activity. If someone does not understand the joke, you can say it again. If nobody understands the joke, write down the number so you can see it with your teacher later.

Task 1: /ˈkɑnsənənt ˈsɪstəm riˈvju/
Let's review what we have learned about the English consonant system by giving our presentations to our peers. Take turns sharing your screen and your assigned information. Avoid reading. Instead, explain in your own words the important information using your visual presentation as a guide. Try to involve your audience when appropriate.

After each presentation, students will provide feedback to the presenter using the following framework.

Click to see full sized image.

Task 2: /ɑʊɚ trænˈskrɪpʃənz/
Last week you chose three quotes from a movie, tv series, or famous character and transcribed them. Now you will share your transcriptions with your partners. Consider your teacher's examples. Try to read them in standard English. Then play the video to reveal the original quotes. This will be challenging because it also includes transcriptions of the vowels sounds which we haven't learned yet. 
  • /ai hɚd jʊɚ dæd wɛnt ˈɪntu ʌ ˈrɛstəˌrɑnt ænd eit ˈɛvriθiŋ ɪn ðʌ ˈrɛstəˌrɑnt ænd ðei hæd tʌ kloʊz ðʌ ˈrɛstəˌrɑnt/
  • /tu ˈælkəˌhɑl ðʌ kɑz ʌv ænd səˈluʃən tu ɑl ʌv laifs ˈprɑbləmz/

  • /hai lisə hai supɚ nɪnˈtɛndoʊ ˈtʃɑlmɚz aim ˈlɚndɪŋ/

Now share your own! Follow the instructions below.
  • One student copy/pastes their transcriptions into the chat. 
  • Other students try to read them in standard English.
  • The student copy/pastes the standard English version.
  • All students compare the transcriptions and standard English and look for any areas of improvement.

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