Saturday, February 6, 2021

TOEIC Preparation - Week 3

 TOEIC Preparation - Week 3

Warm Up: You saw that Knock Knock Jokes are a very common style of jokes in English that involve similar sounding words. To tell a knock knock joke, you must pretend that you are knocking on a person's door. The knock knock joke always follows  the same pattern.

  • Joke Teller: "Knock Knock"
  • Listener: "Who's there?"
  • Joke Teller: "X"
  • Listener: "X who?"
  • Joke Teller: ...THIS IS THE FUNNY PART

Your teacher put you in two groups. With your partners take turns clicking on the links and telling your knock knock jokes. You do NOT need to share your screen for this activity. If someone does not understand the joke, you can say it again. If nobody understands the joke, write down the number so you can see it with your teacher later.

Group 1

Group 2

Identify common distractor types!

Task 1: One of the most common distractor types in Parts 1 and 2 of the test are the use of similar sounding words. In this exercise you will practice identifying words that rhyme. On the top of page 1 in your anthology, draw the same shape around each of the words that rhyme. In the final column, you need to make your own symbol or letter system to identify the categories of rhyming words. 

Click to see full size image

Task 2: To practice some of the common distractor types for Part 1 of the test, draw a line to connect items from the three columns (Type, Description, Example) on the bottom of page 1 of your anthology.

Click to see full size image

What is the Question Asking?

Introduction: The biggest strategy for Part 2 is to pay very close attention to what the question is asking. Once you know that the question is asking about a person, place, time, etc., it will be much easier for you to identify which responses are appropriate and which are not. The graphic below contains some common question categories. 

Click to view full size.

Task 3: Make two teams, A and B. For task 1, Team A is going to CLICK HERE. Team B should NOT look at it! Team A is going to read some different questions and Team B will quickly say what category the question belongs in. 

Task 4: Now it's time for Team B to read the questions and Team A to categorize them. Team B is going to CLICK HERE. Team A should NOT look at it!

Task 5: Now both teams are going to take turns playing another quick thinking game. Team A says the name of a student from Team B and then reads one of their original questions. The student on Team B needs to respond to the question with a socially appropriate answer. Then Team B calls the name of a student from Team A and reads a question. The idea is to see how quickly you can do this!

Book Exercises

Page 10 - Task A
Click to see full version.

Page 11 - Task B
Click to see full version.

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