Monday, February 15, 2021

English Phonetics and Phonology: Consonant Contrasts

 English Phonetics and Phonology: Consonant Contrasts

Introduction: This week we will finish our study of the English consonant system by comparing and contrasting similar consonant pairings. Follow your professor's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: /ˈkɑnsənənt ˈsɪstəm riˈvju/
Let's listen to your partners' pending presentations from last week. Remember to follow the framework below to give them some meaningful feedback. 

After each presentation, students will provide feedback to the presenter using the following framework.

Click to see full sized image.

Task 2: /ˈkɑnsənənt ˈkɑntræsts/
The 24 English consonant phonemes are articulated in 5 manners and 10 places of articulation. As you have seen, this information can be overwelming at first but you soon realize that there is a logic to this system of categorization that can help you remember the sounds. Although there are 24 individual sounds, 16 of them occur in pairs where they are articulated in the same place and manner but with one small difference. Click your group link below and complete the exercises.

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