Tuesday, March 16, 2021

English 1 - Week 9 - Welcome to my Home!

 English 1 - Week 9 - Welcome to my Home!

Activity 1: My Favorite Room
Share the paragraph you wrote for homework with your partners. 
  • What is your favorite room?
  • Why do you like it?
  • What is in your room?

Activity 2Describing a Room
Click the link and draw pictures to represent the objects in the room.

Activity 3Some - Any - A Lot Of
Click your group link and complete the activity with your partners.

Activity 4: What are the differences?
Click your group link and complete the activity with your partners.

Activity 5This, That, These, and Those
Click your group link and complete the activity with your partners.

Activity 6: A Famous Home
Click your group link and complete the activity with your partners.

Activity 7House Tour
Click your group link and complete the activity with your partners.

Extra Resources: Click the link to review important vocabulary about the different parts of the house. This can help you with Activity 7.

Click to see the full size image.

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