Monday, March 1, 2021

English Phonetics and Phonology: Practice Individual Vowel Sounds

  English Phonetics and Phonology: Practice Individual Vowel Sounds

Introduction: This week we will continue our study of the English vowel system by reviewing relevant theory from last week and doing several activities to become aware of the subtle differences between the phonemes /i/, /ɪ/, /u/, /ʊ/, /ɑ/, /ɛ/, /æ/. Follow your professor's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: /rid ðʌ poʊəmz/
Let's start by reviewing some of the Limerick transcriptions you did last week. Click on your group link below and follow the instructions in the document.

Task 2: /wʌt dɪd ju lɝn frʌm ðʌ ˈvɪdioʊ tæsk?/
Discuss your answers to the Video Analysis task from last week.
  • What did you learn about the design of the Cardinal Vowel Chart? Explain in your own words what the chart is, how it is designed, what its sections are, and their purposes.
  • What is somehting that you learned in this video that helped deepen your understanding of vowels?

Task 3: /hændz ɑn præktɪs/
We have many vowel sounds and symbols to learn. The best way to get better at this is to practice. Open your group document below and complete the tasks with your partners. 

Resources: Many of the exercises in the practice section were adapted from "English Pronunciation Made Simple".

Dale, P. & Poms, L. (2005). English Pronunciation Made Simple. Pearson Education.

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