Monday, March 22, 2021

English Phonetics and Phonology: Weak Vowels and Weak Forms

 English Phonetics and Phonology: Weak Vowels and Weak Forms

Introduction: This week we will consider ways in which the individual sounds in some words change when we pronounce them in natural, fluent speech. Follow your professor's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Task 1: /teɪk ðʌ kwɪz/
Let's start with a little warm up as always. Here you will take one of your partners' vowel quizzes and talk about what made it effectvie. Then you will read some diagogues in IPA and transcribe them into Standard English. Click on your group link and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 2/væwəl ænd sɪləbəl rɪdʌkʃən ɪn nɔrməl spitʃ/
Click your group link and complete the virtual worksheet with your partners.

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