Saturday, March 6, 2021

TOEIC Preparation Week 7

TOEIC Preparation Week 7

Warm Up: The Ulitmate Alphabet Game
Click the group worksheet link below. You will work with your partners to examine the images and find as many words as you can that begin with a particular letter. Use the time you have to write all the words you can find in the pictures to complete your two lists. You will get one point for each UNIQUE word on your list. If a word is repeated on the lists of multiple groups, it does not count.

Picture 1: Find Words that Begin with the Letter P!

Click to see full size image

Picture 2: Find Words that Begin with the Letter S!

Click to see full size image

Task 1: British vs North American
Can you find the words that are pronounced differently between a British and General North American accent? Click the picture to make it full sized and then use the annotate function to mark the words.

Click to view the full sized image.

Task 2: Classify the Question Types
It's important to become familiar with the types of questions typically asked in this section of the exam. Click the link and find the tab for your group. Then read the questions and classify them.

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