Friday, June 10, 2022

English III - Week 3 - Competition

  English II - Week 3 - Competition

Introduction: Hello, and welcome to Week 3 of English III at Universidad Castro Carazo. In today's class we will also discuss the topic of sports and competition.

Warm Up: This or That?
What do you prefer, this or that? Click the wheel to spin. You will see two options. Choose the one you prefer and tell your partners at least one reason for your choice.
  • I prefer _____ because ...

Task 1: Thinking about our Values
On a scale of 1 to 5 rate the following ideas. Five means "great for society and individuals" and one means "bad for society and individuals". Why do you think this?

CLICK HERE if it is not visible. 

Task 2: Crazy Competitions!
Let's read the article in Chapter 2 Part A! You will read the text together then answer some questions in groups. If you don't have your book, you can look at the questions below.

  • Are we talking about the Idiotarod, the Mud Bowl, or both?
    • Competitors start and end at the same place.
    • The rules are similar to those of another real sport.
    • The competition is held once a year.
    • It involves a type of transportation.
    • It's for teams.
    • There is a time limit.
  • Look at the highlighted words in the article. Use these words to complete the sentences below.
    • Runners at the olympic games get a gold medal when they win a _____.
    • In soccer, there are eleven _____ on each side.
    • A baseball _____ is played between two ______.
    • How many _____ did you score?
    • After two hours of running, the _____ was finally in sight.
    • The _____ received a gold medal.
  • Answer these questions. You don't have to write. Just talk.
    • How many different kinds of races can you think of?
    • What is your favorite team sport? How many players are there in a team?
    • What are the names of the sports teams in your town or city?
    • In what games do you score goals and in what games do you score points?

Task 3: Sports Verbs
What are the actions we do when when play a sport? Let's review some important sports verbs. Click on your group link below and follow the instructions.

Task 4Sports Vocabulary Brainstorm
What are some words we can use to talk about sports? Click the link below and follow your teacher's instructions. 

Task 5: Our New Competition
Click on your group link below to access a Google Slides presentation. You will work with your partners to invent a new competition that is a combination of two or more sports or activities. Click your group link below.

Task 6Group Discussion
Take a few minutes to discuss the questions below with your partners. 
  • In what areas of our lives do we see competition?
  • Are you a competitive person?
  • Is competition important in Costa Rican culture?
  • Are sports good for children?
  • What do you think is better, team sports or individual sports? Why?
  • Does sports competition cause any social problems?
  • Are you a competitive person? Why or why not?
  • Do you play any sports now or did you play any in the past?
  • Do you have a favorite sports team? Why do you like them?

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