Friday, June 17, 2022

English III - Week 4 - Join the Club

   English III - Week 4 - Join the Club

Introduction: Hello, and welcome to Week 4 of English III at Universidad Castro Carazo. In today's class we will discuss the topics of the pros and cons of competition, social clubs, and what makes a good advertisement.

Warm Up: Pictionary
To begin our class we will play the game Pictionary to review vocabulary related to the topic of sports. 

Task 1: Reviewing Words for Rules
Last week we studied words to describe rules. Click the link below, go to page 2, and follow your teacher's instructions.

Task 2: Winning and Losing
Go in your book to Unit 2 Part B Winning and Losing and complete exercises 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Remember for the listening exercises, someone needs to share their screen and share computer sound.

Task 3: Grammar Practice - ING
Click the link below and follow your teacher's instructions to practice a new grammar topic.

Task 4Group Discussion
Take a few minutes to discuss the questions below with your partners. 
  • In what areas of our lives do we see competition?
  • Are you a competitive person?
  • Is competition important in Costa Rican culture?
  • Are sports good for children?
  • What do you think is better, team sports or individual sports? Why?
  • Does sports competition cause any social problems?
  • Are you a competitive person? Why or why not?
  • Do you play any sports now or did you play any in the past?
  • Do you have a favorite sports team? Why do you like them?

Task 5Join the Club
Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. 

Task 6 Talking about Your Preferences
Click the group link and follow the teacher's instructions.

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