Friday, June 10, 2022

English V - Week 4 - Music Today

  English V - Week 4 - Music Today

Introduction: In today's class we are talking about the topic of musical genres and our music listening habits. Follow your teacher's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Warm UpThis or That?
What do you prefer, this or that? Click the wheel to spin. You will see two options. Choose the one you prefer and tell your partners at least one reason for your choice.
  • I prefer _____ because ...


Task 1: Group Discussion
Discuss the following questions with your partners. Click the video timer to keep track of time and make sure that all the group members have the chance to contribute to the conversation.

  • Is music important to you? Why or why not? What kind of music do you prefer for different situations in your life?
  • Do you think all music is art?
  • Do you think kids should be encouraged to study a musical instrument?
  • The media often blames social problems on music with explicit content. Do you think this kind of music is damaging to society or simply a reflection of society?
  • Do you think music has the power to connect people and promote cross-cultural understanding and conflict resolution?
  • What do you think about popular music these days? How does it compare to the music that was popular when you were a teenager?
  • In the 1970's the government of Zambia in Africa passed a law that required 90% of music played on the radio to be music made in Zambia. How would you feel if a similar law was created in Costa Rica? Do you think that Costa Ricans should support national artists more?

Task 2: Exploring Musical Instrument Vocabulary
Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. One person in the group should share the screen and SHARE COMPUTER SOUND! Your partners will need to hear.

Task 3Exploring Musical Genres
Click your group link below and follow the instructions in the document. One person in the group should share the screen and SHARE COMPUTER SOUND! Your partners will need to hear.

Task 4: Online Music Revolution
Read the article on page 22 of your book and answer the questions in exercises 5, 7, and 8.

Task 5: Grammar Exploration
Click the group link below to access the document and follow your teacher's instructions.

Task 6Mystery Celebrity
Click your group link below. Choose a famous person. It could be a singer, band, actor, or athlete. Write a brief biography of the person talking about their most important achievements. You will read the text to the class and they will try to guess who it is. 

Task 7Group Discussions
We've talked about music in this lesson. Discuss the following questions.
  • When was the last time you bought music?
  • Do you own any CD's or cassettes? An iPod?
  • Do you prefer to stream your music? What service do you use?
  • When the invention of peer to peer file sharing in the late 1990's many people stopped buying music. Do you think it is fair to the artists to download their music for free?

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