Saturday, June 25, 2022

TOEIC Preparation - Week 6 - Part 3

   TOEIC Preparation - Week 6 - Part 3

Introduction: In today's class we begin our two week study of Part 3: Conversations in the listening test. Complete the collaborative tasks below with your partners. 

Task 1Practice Your British Pronunciation
Remember the three tips your teacher showed you to help you better identify pronunciation features of the British accent. With those in mind, pronounce the following sentences first in your regular accent and then repeat them in your best British voice. Have fun with it.
  • Mark is our teacher.
  • I can't take a bath after class.
  • asked for a bottle of water at the bar.
  • I hated writing letters. Email is better.

Task 2Analyzing Conversations
Click your group link below and follow the instructions to analyze the conversation transcripts.

Task 3Identify Locations and Occupations
Some general information questions may ask you to identify the location where the conversation takes place or the occupation of the speakers. Click the link below then go to the section that corresponds to your group.

Task 3Focused Practice - Group Quiz - ID People and Places
Have one member of your group share the screen. Click on the group quiz and complete it with your partners. The first quiz will have you identify people speaking or referred to by the speakers. The second quiz will have you identify the location of the coversation or places mentioned by the speakers. Be sure to check the transcripts for any questions you get wrong.

1 comment:

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