Friday, October 16, 2020

Finding Your Story

 Finding Your Story

Introduction: In today's class we will talk about the importance of finding your own personal story of what makes you you! Work with your partners to complete the following activities.

Warm Up: Word by Word
You and your partners are going to tell a story together. Each person will contribute one word. You must accept your partners' suggestion and add another word. One member of the group should write the words in the chat so you can share the story when you get back to the main room. 

Task 1: Group Discussion
Talk with your partners about these questions.
  • What are you passionate about? 
  • Is it possible to turn a personal passion into a career?
  • Are all passions equaly profitable (make money)? 
  • Have your interests and passions changed since you were a child? If so, how and why did they change? Is there something that you were very interested in that you now don't care about so much?
  • Do you think it is important to have interests outside of your field of study and work?

Task 2: Humans of New York
Today we will read about a photographer with a project called Humans of New York. Before we read, let's watch this short video showing some of the subjects of his photography. Watch the video and discuss the questions with your partners.

  • What are your first impressions of the video? 
  • What emotions did you feel? What emotions did the people express?
  • Watch the video again and identify some of the quotes that the people said. What do you think about them?

Task 3: Behind the Lens
Now you are going to read an article about the photographer, Brandon Stanton. Click on your group link below.

Task 4: Humans of Costa Rica
Tell your own story. Use the phrases below to talk about yourself. When your partners talk, ask them follow up questions to ask form more details.
  • I ____ born in ... 
  • When I was ____ years old, I ...
  • In the year ____ I was ____ing and ____ing because...
  • When I was a child I used to... 
  • When I became a teenager, I stopped ____ing and started _____ing because...
  • By the time I ____, I had already _____.

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