Friday, October 2, 2020

The Work Week

 The Work Week

Instructions: This week we will discuss the topic of work routines, responsibilities and schedules in the Pre and Post-COVID world. Follow the teacher's instructions to complete the tasks below.

Warm Up: Quotes about Work
Click on the link and find the section that corresponds with your group number. Read the quotes and organize them from best to worst in your opinion. 

Task 1: Talking about Work
You have exactly 10 minutes to discuss the following questions with your partners. Press play on the video to start your timer.

Click here to start the timer.

  • Do you currently work? If so, what do you do? What is your weekly schedule? What is your daily routine?
  • How has your job, weekly schedule, and daily routine been affected by the pandemic?
  • What kinds of jobs do you think have been the most affected and the least affected? Why?
  • Is work-from-home (teletrabajo) a reasonable alternative for most kinds of jobs? Which kinds of jobs seem to fit well with this distance model? Which ones are not compatible?
  • After the pandemic is over, do you think that many companies will continue to with the work-from-home model? Why or why not?

Task 2: Reading Practice - Profile of Dave Telford
Click on your assigned link below and work with your partners to read about Dave and complete the tasks.

Task 3: Listening Practice - At the Office
Click on your group link to open your worksheet. Then press play on the video in the blog to listen to the audio. Follow the instructions in the worksheet to complete the tasks.

Task 4Voices of Change
In this task you are going to work with your partners to give voice to some of the workers in the picture below. Choose 3-5 of the occupations and create an audio recording talking in first person (I/ME) to answer the questions below and send the recording the the class Whatsapp group:
  • What is your name and occupation?
  • What are your work responsibilities and routines in normal times?
  • What are you doing differently now because of the pandemic?
  • What difficulties do you have? 

Click to see the full size image.

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