Friday, October 23, 2020

TOEIC Preparation Demo Class

 TOEIC Preparation Demo Class

Introduction: Hello everyone, the purpose of today's session is to give you an idea of what it's like to take the online TOEIC Preparation Course.

Task 1: What is happening and where?
Look at the images below and practice the strategy of asking yourself WHO? WHAT? and WHERE? 

Click to see full size image.

Click to see full size image.

Task 2: Identify Physical Relationships with Prepositions
Click on the pictures below to see the full size version and analyze them. What people and objects can you identify in the picture? What prepositions can you use to describe them? Look at the sentences. What prepositions would make senses in those examples?

Now for the last picture, work with your partner to create sentences to describe the relationships between the people and objects in the photo. Try to use as many different prepositions as possible.

Asynchronous Tasks

Task 1: Speed Reading Practice
CLICK HERE to complete your weekly speed reading task. Remember to read the text as fast as you can while still understanding what you are reading. When you finish the text, answer all of the comprehension questions you can from memory. If there is anything you can't remember, quickly scan the text to find the answer. Submit your results and stop the timer. 

Task 2: Weekly Mini Test - Part 1 Photos
CLICK HERE to access the weekly mini test. During the test, try to apply the strategies that we have practiced for his section of the exam. 

Task 3: Learning Journal
Go to your Learning Journal and complete the reflection and analysis tasks for Week 3.

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