Friday, October 2, 2020

Performance 1: Audiobook Report (15%)

 Performance 1: Audiobook Report (15%)

Introduction: For your first performance evaluation you will give a report about the audiobook that you read. You had a full month to listen to your selected book and we took time each week for you to listen to a 45-60 minute segment of the book and complete the summary and analysis sections in your Listening Log (bitácora). Next week you will give your report!

  • Learning Objective: Imprive listening comprehension in extended texts by listening to a full audiobook and reporting on the characters, setting, and plot as well as your personal opinions and reactions in a 10-15 minute improvised conversation with assigned partners.
  • Evaluation Rubric: CLICK HERE to view the rubric for this performance. 

Task 1: Finish Your Listening Log!
Be sure to complete the three sections of your Listening Log. Remember that this represents a part of your grade for the Performance. 

Task 2: Create Your Collage!
You will need to share a visual representation of the important aspects of your book. Create a collage of images that you can share with your partners during the performance. Use images to represent the setting, principal character, and the main events of the story. Your collage should only contain images. NO TEXT is allowed in the collage. You can use one of the suggested collage makers below or use the tool that you prefer.
Upload the collage to the Entorno Virtual.

Book Report Performance Guide

Instructions: Now it is time for your book report. You will work in groups of three and you will have around 20 minutes to discuss your different books. You can use the following stages and questions to guide your conversation.

Introduction: In the first part of the conversation, tell your partners the basic information about your book.
  • What audiobook did you listen to?
  • Who is the author?
  • What was the genre of the book?
  • Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not?

Visuals: Now, take turns sharing your visual collage. Use the collage to illustrate and explain the following information.

  • Where and when did the story take place? (setting)
  • What can you tell us about your favorite character?
  • Briefly tell us about what happened in the story.
  • What was your favorite part of the book and why?

Analysis and Conclusion: Finish the conversation by talking about your opinions regarding the book.
  • What would you say is the primary theme or message of the book?
  • Would you recommend the book? Why or why not?
  • What do you think about the quality of the audio recording and the voice of the narrator?
  • Did you enjoy the experience of listening to a book in English? Would you like to listen to another one in the future?

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